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Topic: Hair Loss
Hi Everyone!
It's been a while since I've written. I hope everyone is doing well. I know that it is normal to have hair loss during this time, but I just seem to be losing so much of it. Is there anything anyone can suggest to slow it down? Any kind of vitamins or shampoos or anything? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Topic: RE: Just had surgery and need to hear from someome that it will get better
Oh my gosh, you are just a week out!! Poor baby, you feel like a train ran you over, don't you? It will get better. Don't panic about not getting in all your protein or water yet; just do the best you can. Rest, rest, rest; walk when you can; take tiny sips all day. You will feel better soon
hello sis,,,soooooooooo happy to here from you,,,,i love the inch thing,,,,im down 65 lbs now,,,i had a stall that was why i measured in the first place,,and the past week,,,inch a day almost,,,,,i love it,,,,,write again soon,,oh the 15 bean soup was great,,,
your sis,,,with a pouch
M. Pickler
on 11/6/06 7:23 am
on 11/6/06 7:23 am
Topic: New pics lookie very excited....
Check them out....I put photos in this new updated great forum! In my profile thingy....Write to me tell me what you think!
Topic: RE: No Thanksgiving cooking for me!
Thanks Diana, sure sounds easy enough.
My surgeon has told me 4 incisions, 2 in the same place as was use forthe WLS and the klargest one will be about an inch and a half under my ribs, then the belly button. More than likely he said I will have staples.
I am looking forward to the time off, if I do nothing but relax it'll be nice, but getting the house decorated will also be good!
Topic: RE: No Thanksgiving cooking for me!
Jan, my lap gb was so easy, if it weren't for the symptoms being gone, I wouldn't know it was done.
5 tiny tiny incisions, not even stitched. In and out of the hospital in 5 hours, but they did make me eat while in there, so be forewarned to ask for yogurt or cheese. I did feel like I had done a few too many situps afterward. I had my surgery on Friday and was back to work on Monday, all this 3 weeks after a c-section baby. See how easy? You are going to love having the time off, you can go christmas shopping and decorating and baking for your family (just don't eat too much stuff).
Hey, you take care of yourself and keep up the awesome progress. Don't let this minor setback get to you.
Topic: RE: No Thanksgiving cooking for me!
Thank you guys! Actually I really will miss not cooking at Thanksgiving, I love to cook and bake and have already promised to make some of my SF Pumpkin pies the night before my surgery.
I plan on taking a full two weeks off this time, I went back so soon after WLS that I was tired all the time.
I had used up all my vacation time this year between traveling to see my best friend of 42 years before she died and my WLS, so I asked the owner of the company if he wanted me to go on disability this time, and he told me to take another two weeks vacation on him, and feel better. I was so surprised!
I'd love to hear about everyone's Lap gall bladder experiences, so I know what to expect.
Topic: RE: Just had surgery and need to hear from someome that it will get better
It does get better, but for me the first three months were H*LL!
I still at close to 4 months post op and am not hungry and food disgusts me right now, but I guess that's a good thing!
Unjury protein powder was my saving grace right after surgery. It was one of the only things I could drink and not have a problem with.
You've made the right choice, and just remember "This too shall pass!"
Topic: Fresh Pumpkin Pie Recipe
This is one of the very best recipes I've made in a while! Everyone loved it, and no one knew it was sugar free/fat free until I told them!
Fresh Pumpkin Pie
Cut a small pumpkin in half (I used a pumpkin sold for pie making)
Scoop out seeds, etc. Bake cut side down at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Cool and scoop cooked pumpkin out.
Step 2 -
Combine the baked and cooled pumpkin (1-2 cups), 1 1/2 cups fat free evaporated milk, 2 eggs, 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoon Splenda brown sugar blend, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. ginger, 1/4 tsp. nutmeg, 1/4 tsp. ground cloves (or 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice in place of all spices). Blend all in blender or mix in a bowl.
Step 3 -
Pour into a 9" pie crust and bake for 1 hour (or until firm in the center). Cool and enjoy!
I topped everyone's slice with sugar free cool whip.
I had maybe 1/4 of a slice, and only ate the pumpkin, my husband ate my crust!
Topic: RE: Cha, cha, changes...
I am just going to keep adding to to this "list" and encourage you to do the same if the mood strikes
I realized I can last for an entire day, on my feet, moving and STILL be worth something when I get home! It used to be *IF* I could stay out all day I would come home and die and that was all she wrote.
Also, I realized that I don't freak out over a stare or gawk. When I was feeling fat and invisbale, when someone DID notice me I often assumed it negative. Now, that is not my first thought and it doesn't get me wild inside!