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Topic: RE: ~*`Body image question? Are you seeing something people are not??`*~
I feel the same way as some of you. I am having people call me "skinny" and I say, oh no I am not. I am having a hard time living with the changes that my body is making, my nutrionist thinks that I need some counseling but she hasn't sent a name to me so I will have to call her tomorrow. Even though I have lost almost 90 pounds and when I started I was wearing 26's and yesterday I got into a pair of 16's I am still having trouble realizing that I am losing weight. I need some help to get my head on straight. I guess it is from all the failed weight loss programs that I have done before and that I can't succeed at a weight loss. Need to get in a positive note before the holiday season is totally over LOL

Topic: RE: My 4 month update
Today is my 4 month anniversary and I am proud to say that I have lost 88 pounds as of today!!!!! When I had my surgery I was wearing 26 pants and yesterday I bought a size 16!!!!! I am doing sooo much better. Every once in a while I get my stomach upset cause I have eaten to much or something that still doesn't sit well on my stomach. Just wondering?? Is anyone eating pizza yet??? It is the only thing that I crave that I can't eat without getting sick. Sonya
Topic: RE: On the road to trouble...
Hi Heather,
Thanks for your response! Since the surgery I do have that "I feel physically what I ate" connection. I've not experienced that before and you're right it does feel bad on many levels when I've not made good food choices. The positive affirmations... I'm just starting to do something like that but it's called "fake it until you make it". I haven't reached that self love place yet but I am starting to fake it a little!!
Your comments definitely help. I think the shared experience or commonality of experiences helps with the lonely aspect of obesity, binge eating, where ever you linger in an unhealthy way. Sometimes a leg up is all you need to climb out of the bad place and start hobbling along again. And someone whos been there or is there knows where to find you for that leg up if you know what I mean!
Thanks again for your insight! Good luck with your path to a healthier, happier you! You're doing great! I read your profile and you certainly have had your fair share of rough times. I hope there are plenty of blue skies ahead for you.
Keep in touch.
Take care,

Topic: RE: On the road to trouble...
Hi Sue, I can really relate to exactly what you are going through. What has helped me is 1. counselling, 2. making healthier food choices when I do emotionally eat & being vVERY aware of how unhealthy (sugar & high fat) foods make me feel. I can feel REALLY good & then I eat say... some potatoe chips or something with sugar & it makes me feel HORRIBLE !! I don't want to feel horrible anymore, so I really think it through before I put something in my mouth (usually) I'm geting better anyways. 3. I stop the "silly justification" talk in my head, like.... oh it's only 1/2 a small bag if chips etc... I can't kid myself anymore & when I don't eat crap, I don't feel like crap. If I allow myself to make good healthy choices & really FEEL the results, I can't stand overeating or eating unhealthy, it just feels too bad! (it also makes me feel emotionally well, cause I am proud of myself & my physical well being improves my mental health) I am no longer on my antidepressants. I had to do alot of positive affirmations & still do, so I can start to love myself & know thst I deserve to feel goo ALL the time!!
I don't know if any of this will help, but I think that you are aware of what you are doing & that is an awesome first step in the healing direction!! Take care
Hugs, Heather
lap RNY July 25/06
Topic: RE: Has your appetite returned? Do you have cravings?
I too have neither appetite nor cravings, in fact I'm still at a point where I have to remind myself to eat.
The only thing that seems to appeal to me is chili, and I either my husband or I make big batches of it weekly.
My nightly treat is a sf creamcicle. I won't let myself try any sugary items as I'm so afraid I won't dump and it'll change my life for the worse.
Topic: RE: Five - Weekly Update!
1. What types of food did you eat this week? Chili, soups, cottage cheese, bananas, oranges, chicken.
2. What types of exercise did you do this week? none, gallbladder surgery on Tuesday, haven't felt the greatest.
3. How much weight did you lose? I wish I lost, but I gained 8 pounds in the hospital, finally lost 6 of it! Total loss? 94lbs. gone forever.
4. What was your biggest challenge? Eating at all, no appetite and haven't been sleeping more than two hours at a time. Trying to move has been awful too, my stomach is very sore.
5. What was the one thing you ate you wish you wouldn't have? One potato chip on Thanksgiving ... can you believe I only ate one? I can't!
*Fun bonus question:
Did you participate on Black Friday, why or why not? No, because of surgery I wasn't moving much and there was no way I could get out in the crowds. I did do some on-line shopping though!
Topic: RE: ~*`Body image question? Are you seeing something people are not??`*~
Hi Melissa,
First, let me say that you were one of the few women that actually looked BEAUTIFUL big. You are such a pretty woman! If I could've looked as good as you looked at your heaviest, I don't know if I would've had surgery. NOW, LOOK AT YOU!!!!! You are beyond beautiful! I find it hard sometimes to imagine how things were before the weight loss. There's no more pain when I walk, I can actually cross my legs, I can walk farther and faster than I EVER could before, but I look in the mirror and see the same person as before. They say it will change with time, but you are taking the right steps (by seeing a councelor) and listening to your friends and family. You look so good, enjoy it! Hugs and prayers, Wendi
Topic: RE: July WLS checking in how are you doing?!
Hi, I had surgery July 14th, 2006 and am down 83 pounds. I never wouldn've thought it could happen! I can actually JUMP for joy now!
Best wishes to all of you for a beautiful holiday season! Hugs, Wendi

Topic: RE: My 4 month update
Hi Jason
WOW, you are a big loser! Sorry to hear about the gout, is it better now?
good luck,
your fellow NYer,