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Topic: RE: On the road to trouble...
hello sue,
everyone seemed to say it all,,,there is only one thing i see i could add that may help,,,these children of yours,
,you are the example,
,,now if you keep junk food in the house that is what they will wont to eat
(and it will be there for you too
) now if you were to buy apples, carretts ,apples sauce, cellory,,,chesse slices,(,peporoni,,,(you can put them in the microwave(2min)
and make into chips,,i love them)) you can give your kids a good start in life and not teach them bad eating habits,,they can only eat what you buy,,oh,,,isnt it funny
,,,those are the things you can eat too
,,,,i know im funny,,,
your friend with a pouch

Topic: RE: ~* Novasure anyone know about it or know someone who had this done? Help!~*
Hi Melissa!
Unfortunately, I don't have any information on Novasure. I just wanted to wish you the best of luck!

M. Pickler
on 11/27/06 8:56 am
on 11/27/06 8:56 am
Topic: ~* Novasure anyone know about it or know someone who had this done? Help!~*
I went to a pre op visit to get novasure done. The links are under here. I have the surgery sceduled for the 30th because my periods are clotty and so heavy and sometimes last a very long time since 1998. My doctor seen me through all of this and thinks its time to do something other that birth control because of the list of cancer in my family. Has anyone heard or been through this.... Info please. Thanks in advance e.html
Topic: RE: At a funky on
Thank you are looking SO good by the way!!
I worked out today...tomorrow is DH and mines day date, Starbucks and then to Goodwill to hunt down treasures!
Much hugs and loves
PS keep in touch

Topic: RE: On the road to trouble...
Hi, Sue:
Congratulations on your successful journey so far. The reason for the "pouch" is to level the playing field. You know you need to get your head around the healthy eating habits. You know that you are "supposed" to make the right choices. But heck, we are all human, ya know. The daily stresses of raising a family and dealing with the normal stuff of achieving 57 different roles in the life of a woman are enough to drive anyway to the pantry. I have found some wonderful ways to curtail the mindless snacking or desire to satisfy the "hole" in your psyche. They are really habits you need to start forming... kinda like a defense in football... what if this happens, then I do this... get it. I chew gum - when I get that urge to snack or grab a cookie because I am so frustrated at work or with a situation... i chew sugarless gum. I also will chew something crunchy and spit it out... I know, gross!! But heck it works. I go for a walk. I exercise. I try on clothes. I call my sister. I paint. I have a heart-to-heart with me and tell myself that this is a journey that I chose for the rest of my life. I will have to learn to make better choices. If I slip and fail then I press the "reset" button and forgive myself the brief slip-up. My Katie is 2 years old and loves to feed me during our afternoon tea time with the dolls and bears... LOL. She has put everything from an oreo cookie to a gummy bear into my mouth... I usually spit it out into a napkin when she is not looking but alas, on occasion, I have swollowed the melted chocolate goop and LOVE EVERY FREEKIN MINUTE... truth! But I will not go back to eating to relieve stress or to make me happy. Happy is being a size 8.... really! Take care of you... ShelleyAnne
Topic: RE: At a funky on
I totally understand. About 2 weeks ago I was where you are. I hit the stall that was expected...and measured. The numbers I saw weren't what I had been seeing nor what I wanted to see...although, they were expected (I hope that makes sense). SO, I started to get anxious as well. Started to let that old stinkin' thinkin' creep back. I tried to kick myself in the pants and tell myself that I was crazy...that this will work and that I'm doing fine. I just kept doing what I was supposed too and hoped that eventually I'd see the results I wanted. It literally took me a few weeks of forcing myself to stay off the scale (I'd not been a scale-aholic, but somehow that kicked in as part of my anxiety) and taking back to myself ("Stop thinking like're doing fine.") to really kick that feeling.
I also have asked my husband to temper those kinds of comments. He gets to ask once and then, if I say I'm ok then he must let it go. If I start a conversation about the choice I'm making he has the chance to talk about it more. Usually, just by his asking and my response to it I know whether or not I'm really making a good choice. (If I get defensive I know it's probably an emotional choice, not something I really should have/need.)
Of course, on Thanksgiving I had a sliver of pumpkin pie..and the next day I had a few bites of a sugar-free apple pie. I did fine. I finally weighed again this week (first time for a week) and I was pleasantly surprised to find that I'd lost 3-4 pounds. SO....hang in there.
Take your meds if you really think you need them, but I think our bodies are still playing tricks on us hormonally and hopefully it will all pass in a short time.
Blessings to you,
Christina S

Topic: At a funky on
I will try and explain this as best as I can being as I dont understand it.
I have been bouncing along losing la la la lalllaaaaaaaa
Few days ago I got real a feeling of this NOT working ( now trust me I know in my rational brain HELLO It is working)
I have been looking at my face in the it fatter??!!! I have been sorta panicky.
I havent eaten more...I had some mental issues with pie on thanksgiving and snuck one bite of pumpkin and then the next day one bite of apple. (once again rational brain knows) but I had this feeling I used to of diets that worked..then I could feel when I would start cheating and it was over. Im not why am I feeling this anxiety. Its been SO long since I wanted one of my ativans to chill me out.
Perhaps the comment from DH when I said I ate a whole egg this am and he was super concerned..."A whole egg?" are you supposed to be doing that Linda?"
" I have seen so many people at work start gaining back from this surgery and it scares me" /him
Is it all these seeds that have been planted in me? I told him that hurt me and really kinda makes me nervous.
So here I am...feelin wonky, not sure if its just me feeling wonky and the spin off is the weight thing or its the weight thing makeing me wonky.
Anyone else have any similiar....insight... etc?
Thanks so much... I appreciate any help.
In the meantime Im gonna go do water aerobics and see if I can spin into a better place.
Hugs Friends
Topic: RE: Three cartons of ice cream
Congratulations Karen, news like that is always exciting to hear!
I still have no desire for sweets, and that was what I lived for before surgery. I do induldge in a single SF creamcicle at least every other day. That's the sweetest thing I eat.
Isn't it nice to live life not thinking about what your going to eat next?
We haven't heard from you since you we're being a Grandma, I was afraid the kids got the best of you! Glad all went well and your doing fine!
Topic: RE: On the road to trouble...
Sue, I commend your decision to pursue counseling ; our surgery is a wonderful tool for us to implement physical changes, although the psychological changes progress much slower than our shrinking bodies. It's extremely important for us to change our relationship with food. I've been seeing a psychologist for just over two years, and didn't realize until in this past March, when my GP recommended WLS, that WLS therapy is her specialty! Since surgery 7/25/06, I've been seeing her bi-weekly, which has been extremely helpful in accepting diminishing pounds and inches. I, too, am on anti-depressants for five years since being diagnosed with MS; it's been fabulous havingmy emotions on an even keel. However, I suggest reading the pharmacy script on side effects of your medications, as some will indeed promote increased eating. In our former lives, we easily numbed our emotions through overeating, and we need to learn how to acknowledge all emotions, yet implement positive actions to replace emotional eating. A suggestion is to up the protein, which staves hunger. Also, drinking plenty of plain cold water. If desired, add Crystal Lite. Your life is quite full and busy with the two youngsters, and I'm confident you will succeed with both your counseling and WLS program. Take care of you! Hugs, Patti