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Topic: RE: Five - Weekly Update!
I always forget on the weekend to post!!
Amber you'll have to send me a reminder e-mail if you don't see my reply, lol! I'm losing my brain lately!
1. What types of food did you eat this week? More of chicken, but I had turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, even about 2-3 bites of pumpkin pie!
It was a nice Thanksgiving dinner and it was so awesome to have such little food on my plate and be perfectly satisfied. I got pity looks/comments from my brother-in-law but explained that I was perfectly happy and didn't feel the least bit deprived. It's so AWESOME!! I've dieted on the holidays before and felt just awful. This time I felt GREAT!!
2. What types of exercise did you do this week? Jogging, a little, but not as much since we have SNOW now!!! I'm trying to get back to Curves now that winter is here.
3. How much weight did you lose? Total loss? About 3 lbs in a week... total: 70 since surgery, almost 85 total
4. What was your biggest challenge? My hair is really falling out - bad. I mean I had a lot to begin with so it doesn't look bad but I'm worried about it.
5. What was the one thing you ate you wish you wouldn't have? I can't say that I regret any of my eating choices - even if I do have something like pumpkin pie - it's in such small amounts, I don't feel guilty or like I did something bad - it's all in moderation now.
*Fun bonus question:
Did you participate on Black Friday, why or why not? Yes, but I waited until 8am and didn't go to the big places, just the mall for clothes. I totally was going to take advantage of dirt cheap, cute clothes, especially now. I bought 3 pairs of jeans (Size 14!!!) for like $15 each at JC Penney's.

Topic: RE: ~*`Body image question? Are you seeing something people are not??`*~
I struggle with the same thing. I have no concept of how I look. Everyone tells me so many great things. THey say I'm "hot." THe other day, my two friends told me that the last month or so I've been "exuding sexiness." It made me feel uncomfortable because I do not see myself as "sexy" at all. I'm still 45-55 lbs until goal (not sure what that will be yet) and I still feel very overweight. I feel like I need to hear encouragement by people who see me quite often - that makes me feel like okay, you can notice the difference. I'm not fishing for compliments but I'm surprised at how much I feel like I need that encouragement because I've never been that kind of person. I've always had fairly good self-esteem and been pretty strong.
The thing that makes me really stop and look is when I see a picture of my old self. I was at my best friends and saw a picture on her wall of me and her on her wedding day a couple of years ago. I was in a spaghetti strapped bridesmaid dress (not pretty). I was taken aback by how I looked. Maybe if you get an old picture out and put it up somewhere where you can see it everyday... you'll see the difference then!
Topic: RE: i didnt tell i had wls! did u?
I have only told the peoople I want to - closest friends/family. My students don't know (I'm a teacher) nor do most of my coworkers. I decided I wouldn't say anything unless asked directly if I had the surgery. Lots of people ask "How are you doing it?" My response is "I eat significantly less, exercise and am very careful about fat/sugar intake." That's all true so I don't feel like I'm being dishonest but I have gotten a lot of positive feedback. I decided not to say anything because there are many judgmental people in this world and I'm fairly private. I didn't feel like arguing with anyone over the topic. The people who I've found are negative about the surgery (those who don't kjnow I've had it) are people who haven't struggled with weight issues and I detest being judged by those who haven't been there. I felt it better to avoid the situation rather than be ticked off by ignorance. I completely understand where you are coming from. You should do whatever feels right. So far, it's worked for me and everyone has noticed the 70+ lbs I've lost and been just wonderful/positive about it.
Topic: RE: i didnt tell i had wls! did u?
I've been pretty open about my surgery. Everyone has been very supportive. I haven't run into any negative feedback (atleast that I know of). I think Sue is right. Whatever feels right to you is what's right.
I'm proud to be a member of this group!

Topic: RE: a wow moment 4 days late
Congratulations! What a neat feeling! It's like you go along at the same weight or size for a while and then overnight it's all changed. I'm so proud of you! Keep up the good work!

Topic: RE: i didnt tell i had wls! did u?
Hi Sandy,
I only told a select few outside my immediate family. I'm a private person and also didn't think I could handle judgements from others well. It's really a personal decision - some of my friends are really good at telling someone to go take a hike or not internalizing the judgements, so they are very open about their surgery. I'm a little too sensitive for that. Do what feels right to you.
Good Luck,

Topic: RE: July WLS checking in how are you doing?!
i also had my surgery on july 25th,,
down 72lbs,,wowowowowwo
Topic: i didnt tell i had wls! did u?
hello again,
i was just wondering if you all told everyone you had the surgery,,,i have only told my children and 2 of my friends and i go to a wls group and they all know of couse,,,
i dont know why but i didnt say anything,,,just making it look like im on ANOTHER DIET,,,maybe i did it for me,,,i didnt want to fail at this too,,,so i guess i want to see if i make it,,,,so i can tell everyone that this does really work,,,,am i wrong?,,,does anyone understand?,,,im not at all ashamed i did this,,,you all hear of people saying we are weak,,because we just cant diet and lose,,,,,they just dont understand what its like to be over weight and just cant keep it off,,,,,,,i dont know,,,,help,,

Topic: a wow moment 4 days late
hello all
i had a pile of pants,,,really 3 piles,,,20's. 18's, and 16's,,,,,now i was in a 30and now in a 20,,,,well my girl friend needed a ride last monday and i grabed a pair from the 20 pile,, you know how some may fit and others dont in the same size,,,well, some i couldnt ware so i was trying a new one,,,,these were not baggy or nothing,,,i loved them,,,,and may i add,,i looked good,,,,,and felt good,,,ok,,,now on friday,,,i thought i would try one from the 18 pile,,,and wow,,,they fit,,,,on sunday ,,i washed clothes,,,and just for the heck of it,,i looked to see what size those where from monday,,,,and you know what ,,,,,they were 18 too,,,and i didnt know it,,,,,so ,,,now ,,,i guess i am in 18's ,,,i am so happy,,,,,i can now see the lose,,,,my kids came over for thanks given and we all cooked and they ate,,,i ate a bit and said man im full,,,and they laughed,,,,,and i did too,,,but i didnt have any erge to eat all that stuff,,,,but in there food i make it better for them,,,sf,,suger in the cooking,,,and other little things,,,so they ate better then they thought they did,,,,,,lol,,,
anyway,,,i love all of you wls,,,friends,,,i know what you all have been going though,,,we did it together,,,,and we will always be there for eachother,,,when others doing understand,,,keep in touch,,
your friend w/a pouch