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Topic: RE: Friday Five - Weekly Update!
1. What types of food did you eat this week? Fruit & Walnut Snack (from McD's, never thought I would buy something from there again), taters, corn, artichoke/spinach/blue cheese thin crust pizza, grilled turkey burgers, spaghetti (very small portion), Fiber 1 Honey Clusters cereal, and deviled eggs.
2. What types of exercise did you do this week? lifted my little weights, pushups/situps/stretching/jumpingjacks, and walking. Found another gym to test out soon.
3. How much weight did you lose? Total loss? I'm down 4 pounds since the last time I posted. 229. Total: 71 pounds, woohoo! I'm out of the 230's.
4. What was your biggest challenge? Not weighing myself every 5 seconds.
5. You had to have a WOW moment by now, what's your favorite? I went to a Christmas Party last night and it was formal. I knew I was going to wear one of my dresses from last year, just to see what it was like today. I looked SO much better and the top part was falling off of me. What's better? I bought a size 12 dress as inspiration for New Years and I couldn't help but try it on. It fit. Holy ****! I could stand to lose more weight to look better, but it fit!!!!!!
*Fun bonus question:
Do you have/plan to get that little black dress for New Years? Been there done that and I'll be able to wear it, I'm so excited!!!
Topic: Friday Five - Weekly Update!
1. What types of food did you eat this week?
2. What types of exercise did you do this week?
3. How much weight did you lose? Total loss?
4. What was your biggest challenge?
5. You had to have a WOW moment by now, what's your favorite?
*Fun bonus question:
Do you have/plan to get that little black dress for New Years?
Have a great weekend, all!
Topic: RE: I did it and I'm so excited!!!
Thanks to all of you, it's been a journey to say the least but a very good one!!
I wish you all success!
Topic: RE: I did it and I'm so excited!!!
Great job is a great feeling when you get to that point...I can't wait until I hit that mark....I have 12 more pounds and then I am there....keep up the great work...

Topic: RE: I did it and I'm so excited!!!
So very cool Jan! You are doing so well, I just wonder what the hell I am doing wrong! Anyway, keep it up!
Topic: RE: How do you all deal with your bad days (eating)?
Hi Shelly,
Hey, thanks for the reality check
. VERY WELL SAID! I definitely have to keep those things that you pointed out in mind. I definitely lose sight of whats important when it comes to my journey sometimes.
"You are learning and accepting new eating habits and getting your emotions, social situations, etc. in check all at the same time."
The above quote really helps my thought process because it is so true and I definitely have not taken this into consideration at all. I'm just so focused on getting to where I want to be that I lose my focus...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
I am to concerned about the social situations. I've never been one to worry about things like that NO MATTER WHAT! But this time things are very different and my attitude has changed. I don't want to feel like the spectacle (it's weird because anybody that knows me know that I have never been one to care about what others think about what I do, when I do it, how I do it etc), I'm also fearing x-mas because we will be out of town visiting relatives. But the good thing is, I am preparing a little better for that. I have ordered somethings I can eat in a pinch that are more appropriate eating items.
Sorry to go on but you too, gave me something to really think about.
Thanks a bunch for responding!
Have a great night,
~~~Triple C.~~~

Topic: RE: i didnt tell i had wls! did u?
Hi, all. This very subject came up at our family THANKSGIVING DINNER table!! UGH! My daughter-in-law began to speak about a co-worker that had the surgery and WHAM without warning, my husband said: "just like you had, hun!!" I was too far away from the turkey to get the carving knife, or I swear.... LOL.
My thoughts on this are coupled with weeks of research before the surgery and here is what I discovered:
I do not want to be the "lifetime story of the week"
I do not want to be stared at for eating this or that or how slow I eat.
I do not want to have to justify this surgery to people who are ignorant and do not have the facts or the experience and decide that I took the "easy way out" - (yeah, right!)
My immediate family knows and my best friend, my doctors, dentist and any other necessary professionals. I am a lawyer. I cherish my privacy. I would not discuss a hysterectomy or breast augmentation with the world; then why would I have a need to tell them about this very serious, drastic surgery I had performed on my body. I do not need acceptance or love from them for that. I need to accept and love me for what I have done... IT IS THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE FOR ME!!
P.S. My daughter just had it done, as well, and feels the opposite way about this. She doesn't care who knows. To each his own!!! ShelleyAnne
Topic: RE: How do you all deal with your bad days (eating)?
Hi Mariah (I love your name
Thanks for taking the time to respond to my post.
I like the 3 bite rule. I haven't been depriving myself to this point (well at least I don't think so *L*), I probably eat way more liberally then most. My menu might scare some that are the same amount post-op as I am and those post-op before me
. So far so good thus far.
I think the guilt derived mostly from my lacks attitude those days. Only thing is my guilt is probably hindering me more then helping me. And then maybe not, I don't know but you do bring up an interesting point about keeping the guilt in the forefront, if you will. I think I just have to find balance with that issue just as I do with this entire journey.
I found over the 5 days of lacks attitude, I'd feel guilty, get depress and continue to make bad choices. I feel like if I'm doing everything "correct" I'm on top of my game sort of. I know this is something I have to work on because we don't live in a perfect world and things will come up to prevent me from making the best choice that I can. I think after spelling it out here, I probably just blew things out of porportion in my head and became slightly overwhelmed. I've made not so great choices before I just think it was the length of time that was scary to me. It was like I was losing control and I didn't like that idea at all. Losing control for me represents failing.
This truly has taught me something about myself and I definitely have this as a learning experience.
Thanks again for your kind words, I really need to have someone who understands to talk this through with me so that I can make since of everything.
Have a great night,
~~~Triple C.~~~

Topic: RE: How do you all deal with your bad days (eating)?
This is a journey... not a destination. You are learning and accepting new eating habits and getting your emotions, social situations, etc. in check all at the same time. I would say you are doing a great job and if you slip a little bit - you are human - congratulations - it is not failure - it is an opportunity to learn about you. Guilt has no place in your every day life now. You are the priority. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY does this perfectly, 100%, healthy, minimalist, by the protocol forever. Life is there to slap you back to reality. That is why you have that nifty tool inside now to help you gain the strength, the faith, the belief in your health and fitness forever. Being trim and healthy and fitting in to the mainstream of society is a goal, a desire to be "normal" weight and live a good quality life, right? Well, a piece of bread, cake or a cookie is not a crime... just a poor nutritional choice for your BODY... no biggy. Just don't make it a habit again or a comfort for your stressors or emotions. HUGS!!!
Topic: RE: How do you all deal with your bad days (eating)?
Triple C,
I know in the past I would let myself eat and eat and eat...I would be so sick that night from overeating. Thing was I never felt guilty. This yr I feared TG dinner but it went off like a charm. I didnt give myself permission to overeat I listened to my pouch and stopped before I was miserable.
As for the quilt u are feeling....I would say keep it coming. It might be what helped u get back on track....for yrs I would diet and cheat once and then not diet again for months...I thought once I cheated.....I had failed.
Im so poud of you that u were able to regain control of your eating and get back on track. If u didnt feel quilty u might not have gotten your control back...
I hope u continue to make good choices without totally depriving yourself. I will tell u one trick I have learned. If I feel I just have to have something sinful. I will only let meyself have 3 bites of it and never more. I take the time to actually taste it....let it linger in my mouth. Most of the time it is never as good as I remembered it being. Back then I ate so fast I never really tasted anything. I think I ate for the fullness and the sugar high.
I know I kinda rambled on but I hope this helps you. Im just glad u are back on your program now. Thats a huge step...Most ppl never get that far.