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Topic: Carb, Protein,Calorie, Fat confusion
Aloha my WLS sisters, I am confused. People talk about protein being the number one priority in our diets above all else. Also, I hear that we should keep our carbs very low, but we should be eating fruits and veggies. Those have carbs! Fats aren't mentioned much at all, so I'm guessing they are OK as long they are the right kind.
I was shopping for salad dressing yesterday and blanked. Do I get low carb or low fat? I remember Atkins you could eat full caloies fat laden salad dressing because it had low carbs. I looked at South Beach Diet low carb dressing....had 70 calories per 2 tablespoons. Fat free ranch dressing had 20 calories per 2 T, but 18 grams of carbs!! Do I go for the low calories, or the low carbs??
When I get confused like this I tend to eat the same thing every protein shake, cottage cheese salad with nuts, pears (carbs I know) and sugarfree jello, meat with small amount of veggie or a salad for dinner. Maybe a handful of peanuts (my indulgence) every other day.
My nut. says eat well balanced. She really doesn't stress anything in particular regarding low carbs, but I'm wondering what all of your support people are telling you.
My own restrictions..just because...are that I don't indulge in five things: white flour, sugar, pasta, carbonated anything and alcohol. I'm going to be faithful as I can to this until I reach goal. But when it comes to carbs, protein and calories...I'm floating in outter space.
Any wisdom you care to share?
Aloha nui loa,
Topic: RE: Let's do something new.
1. Having no appetite, hunger, nor cravings!
2. The shower got a lot bigger!
3. Unintentionally walking faster than my friends!
4. People I don't know are friendlier!
5. Constant accolades from neighbors, co-workers, and elderly residents/families at work!
6. There's much more room in the full-length mirror!
7. Wearing loosely-fitting size fourteen slacks and jeans!
8. Wow! Being able to wear cute, sexy low-rise panties (size seven), and 36C perfectly-fitting bras--and having four thongs!
9. Actually losing weight between Thanksgiving and Christmas!
10. And the # one 'big happy': looking forward to wearing my new two-piece swimsuit in Jamaica!
Topic: Let's do something new.
Jump on the bandwagon with me. What are the top 10 things you like about life at 5-6 months postop?
1. I can have a picture taken and not feel bad about it. See my new picture?
2. I can tie a normal size bathtowel around myself after a shower.
3. I fit in the bathtub and can get out easily.
4. I can wear clothes from the regular size ladies' section.
5. I can paint my toenails and give myself a pedicure.
6. I fit in the seats at the movie theater.
7. My husband and I can ride on the same seat of the 4 wheeler.
8. Husband's holding me tighter when we hug.
9. Compliments from everyone.
10. Hearing a "woot woo" when I walked across the street.
OK, what are yours?
Topic: RE: need advice
Hi Jessica. It might be a good idea to have your bloodwork done. You may be low on something like iron. Cycles can change because of the fat contents changing, as well as hormones. If it were me, I would mention it to my GYN, he/she probably won't have an answer, but atleast you can try.
Take care.
Topic: RE: Liver enzymes WAY up, help please!
Heather, do check with your surgeon to make sure this is true for your surgery as well as mine, OK? I want you to be well and safe!
Topic: RE: Beware of holiday calories(kinda long)
I feel like I'm in the same boat. I've had 3 things this week that have real sugar in them. Talk about being in a coma! I don't get sick, I just get really sleepy. It's bittersweet because I love this time of year, but I'm definitely ready for the parties to be over and no more snacking!!! Once I hit the gym next year, it will counteract all of this, I HOPE!
Happy Humpday,
Topic: Beware of holiday calories(kinda long)
O.k. so I've been soooo good during this holiday season. I haven't been eating cookies or candies, etc. I did make some sugar free stuff that I have tried but not in excess at all b/c too much SF makes me dump as well. I thought I was doing so well, so why wasn't the scale moving as much. 
I thought, well, it's getting close to 6 mos. so I'm slowing down. I've been busy at work and w/ holiday preparations so I haven't been exercising much. I've been snacking a little but mostly protein, although I have been eating a few wheat thins w/ my low fat cheese so maybe it's the carbs. But I think I've figured it out.....those damned holiday calories
I realized last night that b/c we've had visitors over after dinner, I've been drinking more coffee--w/ a little irish cream or some type of low fat flavored creamer. It's extra calories.
I made sugar free fat free egg nog, only 100 calories in a glass and it's 8 g. of protein. But it's 100 calories that I wasn't having after dinner before. And then there's the snacking. I've been snacking w/ my visitors...not a lot but some and there were those calories too. I realized when I put it all together that I'm consuming, on average, an extra 200-300 calories an evening while trying to be a good hostess.
Can't wait until Dec. 26th and I can get back on the WLS wagon. Visits over, egg nog and holiday treats(even the SF/FF ones) are all gone, and I can walk walk walk instead of wrap wrap wrap.

Topic: RE: need advice
I feel your pain, I'm going through the same thing. I'm really hoping it has to do with the season. The weather is terribly temperamental, not enough light (I have Season Affective Disorder along with my Bipolar) the days go too quickly, the holiday rush, and the overall food increase from gatherings. January 1 I'm committing to the gym and I'm hoping more exercise will produce more endorphines, I'll be more thirsty upping my liquid intake, and everything will start going back to normal.
Please keep me updated on your situation and hopefully we can help each other through this!
Topic: RE: need advice
I can so relate to the being hungry all the time. The last week it started and it has been so bad. Im still losing but Im so afraid it will stop if I keep eating like this. I realize Im not eating like before but it seems once I eat for the day I cant stop eating. Im hungry like every three hrs. The first few months I had to make myself eat. Im also having alot of headaches and pressure in my eyes. I was wondering if this is happening to anyone else.
I felt so much better when I was eating less and drinking alot of protein. Everyone was on my ass to back off of the protein now that we are so far out from surgery and now I dont feel as good as I was.
Dont get me wrong I still feel so much better than I did 6 months ago and would do this again in a heartbeat....just wondering if anyone else is having any of these problems.
Topic: RE: Liver enzymes WAY up, help please!
Bethany, thanks so much for sharing that with me. I really appreciate it & I definately will check that with my surgeon. I hope you are all better now & able to enjoy a very healthy & happy holiday season!
Hugs, Heather