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Topic: RE: When is the last time you LOST weight over the holidays???
Never! And this year!?!! I had been out of town for several day, and stepped on the scale when I got home this afternoon. I had gone from 164 Monday to 158 this afternoon: 81 pounds gone forever!!! This is my weekend to work, so tried on several pairs of size fourteen slacks, though they were too baggy. Am excited to go to work this weekend wearing size twelve slacks!!! I've been so furtunate, as my appetite and hunger have not returned, so had no problem remaining diligent in following my strict program. All I had during five hours at Christmas day dinner was about 3/4 cup pork loin and a few herbed green beans. This is all so wonderfully unbelievable! Best wishes to all; hugs, Patti
Topic: RE: New Years Resolutions, anyone??
Wow, this is so different from any other New Year's, when I'd perpetually resolve NOT to make any resolutions, due to the fact I it would've been weight-related, and I'd refused to set myself up for failure. Currently, I choose not to make New Year's resolutions, as I try to go day -to-day, or by the week and month. Best wishes everyone, and have a fabulous New Year! Hugs, Patti
Topic: RE: Half way there!
Jan, Im so glad u posted a pic. You are beautiful both inside and out.
I started out higher than you did. I was 394 the day after my surgery and today Im about 270. I was up 4 lbs 2 days after Christmas and then the next day I was back down Im not weighing in again for another day or two...that was to emotional for me. I cried for hours the day I gained 4 lbs. That was the first time since surgery and I was a total basket case that day. Im hoping it was jus****er gain from the diet change and from that time of the month. Seems better now.
I got a new outfit in the mail today and its a 2x. I cant wait to wear it tonight. Havent been this size in probably 14 yrs.
Topic: RE: Friday Five - Weekly Update!
Oh goody, I get to be the first this week!!
1. What types of food did you eat this week? ham, turkey, sweet potatoe, bbq chicken drummy, SF cranberry salad, SF & FF custard, low carb breakfast bowl from Hardees, and yes, more cottage cheese
2. What types of exercise did you do this week? are you kidding? just tried to make it to everywhere for christmas, and carrying in lots of gifts
3. How much weight did you lose? Total loss? I think I gained, but total loss as of yesterday is 75 pounds
4. What was your biggest challenge? today, I am an emotional basket case. I just feel like crying.
5. Were there any major struggles about eating/exercising over Christmas? If not, what foods make you gassy??? Gassy=chili, struggles=wanting to sample some of everything
*Fun bonus question:
If you wanted to achieve one mini-goal per month for 2007, what would they be? Just to loose consistently each month and not stall (and gain during my cycle).

Topic: Friday Five - Weekly Update!
1. What types of food did you eat this week?
2. What types of exercise did you do this week?
3. How much weight did you lose? Total loss?
4. What was your biggest challenge?
5. Were there any major struggles about eating/exercising over Christmas? If not, what foods make you gassy???
*Fun bonus question:
If you wanted to achieve one mini-goal per month for 2007, what would they be?
Happy New Year!
Topic: RE: New Years Resolutions, anyone??
mine is to get to my goal which i have another 50-60 pounds to loose
Topic: RE: Half way there!
Congratulations Amber! Your Friday five helps keep me on track and going every week!
Topic: RE: Half way there!
My secret is that I started off at 374 lb. so I'm sure I have quite a bit more than you to loose.
I'm lucky in the fact that I still have no appetite, and my body doesn't tolerate carbs, they still make me sick, so for me it's easier to avoid them. Also I avoid the 6 white things my DR told me about -- sugar, pasta, rice, potatoes, flour, and popcorn.
I don't keep track of calories or protein my DR says just eat protein first at every meal. I eat three meals a day and if I snack it's a banana (which I have to eat one a day because of potassium levels being low) or something high in protein like jerky.
I'm addicted to Tea Misto's from Starbucks, but hubby bought me my own milk steamer and Starbucks is no longer getting my $ as often. Tea Misto's are half tea (I use Chai tea) and half steamed nonfat milk. So I'm getting protein drinking those sometimes two a day. When we go to friends I make one up and take it in a thermos to have while everyone is eating dessert.
My DR doesn't allow us to drink protein drinks after the first month, they say they are finding it slows your metabolism down, since the body doesn't have to work to break it down. So all my protein comes from food.
That's my life in a nutshell. I decided before having the surgery if I was going to do it, I was going to do it right. I follow all the rules, well, I will be honest and say I have a hard time getting the vitamins in! I also carry around a picture of myself, a very unflattering one, that is me at my heaviest, and I show it to everyone as a reminder that I don't ever want to be that way again. I'll post it soon.
Topic: RE: Half way there!
Thank a bunch Diana! I'm rather proud of myself and the will power I've now got!
I'm working on the pictures, can't figure it out, so asking the person that helped with my profile for some help. It'll happen soon, in the mean time I can email you some if you send me you addy!