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Topic: RE: questions from 10/06 post-op
Hi Lisa. Glad that you chose to come and visit with us. Don't worry about your weight loss stalling. The numbers will cease to move on you at some point, but be assured you are loosing fat mass and gaining muscle mass (which is heavier). During those times, check your measurements and try on a smaller size. I have been pleasantly surprized that I am now looking for stalls!!! I usually 'beef' up the protein in the stall times.
Food issues-you know, my pouch is finicky. One day it can take anything I give it, and the next day, it won't like the leftovers. I can't say that cheese was an issue for me, in fact, I am the Queen of Cottage Cheese. I eat it sweetened with splenda and cinnamon, savory with spices, and with fruit added. Salads are great, just try to find some darker lettuce. Don't bother with iceburg. It has no nutritional value for us and is pretty boring compared to leaf lettuce. I was about three and a half months before someone told me that. No wonder I couldn't keep iceburg down, it wasn't good for me.
Exercise-significantly increased scale and inch loss when I added working out on weight lifting machines at the gym. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism is. More muscle is a great thing.
Skin hanging-I have lost around 80-85 pounds since 7/25 and have probably that much to loose yet. Skin lost all elasticity during second pregnancy, so yep, lots hanging in the c-section area, and also in the batwings. What I love now is seeing muscle in my legs tho. I can look at my thighs all day long, ha ha ha.
Diabetes-yep, mine was uncontrollable on meds. In fact, if my normal 210 readings didn't improve, insulin injections were already ordered. My last med was the day before surgery. Three month A1C was 6.4, down from 8.7 preop. I do have to watch that bg doesn't get too low tho. I actually carry peanutbutter crackers in my purse, and have had to use them.
Sciatica-I had two low back surgeries at the same level due to two sepearate trauma accidents. I suffered every day and took Celebrex just to get out of bed and then took painkillers to boot. The day before surgery was the last day I took either on a consistent basis. I quit both "cold turkey". I had withdrawal symptoms from the lack of narcotics postop; classical symptoms, but I didn't allow myself back on those. I take Tylenol, at bedtime Tylenol PM, and only when really bad do I allow myself Celebrex. My doc said it was the best choice if an anti inflammatory had to be taken. I get by with taking 400 mg for about 2 days and then all is better.
Hope my experience so far helps to show things get better. Come back and visit anytime you would like.
Topic: RE: Updated my profile pictures...Lookie.
You are beautiful! Congrats on your progress! I hope your brain catches up soon...maybe do a side by side picture for yourself...that's when I first saw my progress (my 3 month pic). I'll be taking another one in a few weeks for my 6 month and I know that will help again because I'm stuck on head and heart disconnect again too!
Anyway...this is supposed to be about I'll quit rambling! Congrats again! You look great!
Christina S

M. Pickler
on 1/5/07 8:08 am
on 1/5/07 8:08 am
Topic: Updated my profile pictures...Lookie.
I get very uneasy updateing my pictures of me because I am so critical. My husband is saying one thing and I am not there yet... If you know what I mean. I am the last picture with the boys in front of the aquarium I do not know how to change my profile picture so it is staying the same for now. Let me know what you think...
~~~WLS July 20 2006~~~242/160/130start/now/goal
Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change. Kiss slowly, play hard, forgive quickly, take chances, give everything and have no regrets. Life's too short to be anything but happy.
Remember Jesus.
Topic: RE: questions from 10/06 post-op
Hi there! I'll try to give you my personal experiences and see if it helps answer some of your questions (you can also read some of the profiles...that may help too).
First, the weight loss for me was fairly consistent until the 4th month when I noticed it slowing down...but also during that month the inches were falling off ****pt looking for body parts in my bed...they had to be going somewhere!). The weight started coming off again in month 5...and seems to be fairly consistent again although at a slightly slower pace. I had alot to lose, so my weight has been coming off pretty fast (at least in my own mind) and I'm happy with my progress...on track to get to goal in the time my surgeon suggests.
Second,'s totally trial and error. I had days where I could eat an egg one day and the next it made me
. There are only 2 things I refuse to try again at this point....American Cheese slices and Rice. Everything else I've at least tried again if it made me sick and most of the time I'm ok if I follow the other "rules" (eating slower, chew well, don't drink with meals, etc). Other than the American Cheese slices all other cheeses have been my best friend. In fact I ate so much of it the first few months that I hardly eat it now (although slowly making a return to my diet).
Salads are my best friend at lunchtime. I normally have a protein-rich salad for lunch everyday at's basically the only bariatric-friendly item my work cafeteria serves that I enjoy. I was "cleared" to try salads at 8-weeks out (but follow your surgeon's suggestion). It took a few weeks before they stayed down comfortably.
Exercise...since I started at a really high weight, I'm just now starting to try to consistently exercise. I had a brief week or two in month four that I exercised, but honestly I'm not sure significantly helped or not....I'm sure it helped some, but significantly?! BUT, now that I'm at the 6 month mark (soon) I'm told that things may start to slow down a bit and exercise will become a more key component. That's ok by's easier now (since I've lost some weight) and my husband is ready to get going on that too, so I have a buddy (which helps me).
Excess skin...yep...I've got some already. So far it's been easy to hide and it's in places that most people won't notice (bat wing arms and the tummy area). It's not as bad as I thought it would be...but after I have some babies I'm gonna want some plastics done...especially on those thighs, tummy, breasts and arms.
Full body?! I don't know if exercise would have helped or not....I think it can help a little, but with the amount of skin I had stretched around my fat and for how long....I'm not sure "toning" will help much.
Didn't and don't have diabetes or sciatica so I can't offer any input there. Sorry.
Hope that helps and best wishes to you on your journey!
Christina S

Topic: RE: questions from 10/06 post-op
Thanks, Jezia!
I seem to be able to eat real food about every other day now...if I eat what I am supposed to eat one day, I can't get much at all down the next!
I ***SO*** hope I have not become lactose intolerant!
Topic: RE: Cheetos
I WASN'T ALONE?!?! What was with this month that I snacked? Snuck? Hid? ACK I HATED IT! 4 or 5 here, 4 or 5 there...I DID IT TOO! Not Cheetos...but now I want to! LOL Just kiddin!
I just had a grateful moment in all this (tons of them, but I will spare you!) ....
It used to be a month like this would set me off. Bad attitude. Endless eating. Etc. Because I have a great tool (pouches rule!) and I have awesome examples and support (YOU GUYS!) and I am developing life changes...I am ok. I will survive and bounce back!
Topic: RE: 6 month check-up.
Awesome job Julie!!
More important than the pounds...HOW DO YOU FEEL?? I love using my energy, ability and stamina as a "ruler" for my progress
Have a great weekend!

Topic: RE: Friday Five - Weekly Update
1. What types of food did you eat this week?
Cheese, salad, almonds, Starbucks Steamers, yogurt, tofu w/ thai sauce
2. What types of exercise did you do this week?
treadmill, yoga, rowing
3. How much weight did you lose? Total loss?
5 thus far (I can count until Sunday, yes??
and 113 overall
4. What was your biggest challenge?
Giving up grazing! I had a rough month! Glad I've snapped back!
5. What is happening with your clothes situation? How are you dealing with it?
I want news clothes everyday. I am giving away tons and loving it! I'm inbetween sizes. I'm dealing, I promise
*Fun bonus question:
What song with always remind you of 2006?
Gorillaz / Feel Good, Inc.
P.S. Thanks Amber!

Topic: RE: Looking for other slow losers!
Aloha Julie.......I am so glad I checked the "July" forum this morning. I, like so many who have posted, quit coming in here because I was discouraged with the major weight losses some have achieved who had surgery almost the same time I did. If I didn't compare I didn't feel quite so badly.
I started at 319 at surgery date (7/26/06) and am now down to 253 (66 lbs.) From one perspective that seems like a LOT OF WEIGHT to lose in 5.5 months. But when compared to someone losing over 100 lbs. it seems paltry. I am much encouraged when I read of several others now who have lost from 50 -75 lbs. after July surgeries. That means we are all losing, but some faster than others. I believe in the "slow but sure" method of getting to our weight loss goals.
Thanks so much all of you for bravely stating your progress on here. Let's keep giving each other support and encouragement. It really helps!!
Aloha nui loa,