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on 1/8/07 1:05 am - summerville, SC
Topic: RE: People Mag on my S it List
i have heard things like that on tv too. i hate it. WE DID NOT TAKE THE EASY WAY OUT. this is very hard. what are people thinking, sandy
on 1/8/07 1:01 am - Norcross, GA
Topic: RE: questions from 10/06 post-op
Hi Lisa, You are doing great!!! Just keep plugging away. I began to slow down my weight loss at about 4 months. I really got slow in my 5th month and had to really beef up my protein. I have been on a stall for over a month now, that just was broken this morning. I was doing much better when I exercised, and I felt better as well. Though the scale is not moving as fast, I noticed my clothing size changing even during the plateaus. So something was happening that the scale wasn't telling. I haven't had a problem with cheese, in fact it is my best friend. I do very well with cheese and seafood (shrimp, tuna, fish, crab). I never go wrong with those unless I eat too much or too fast. I can eat more seafood than any other food. I also do well with chilli. Great source of protein and doesn't have a problem staying down. As far as salads. Lettuce didn't do me well in the early stages, so I still stay away from it today. I love to eat salad without the lettuce. I cut up tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms and add crumbled cheese. I tolerate that very well. I don't tend to return to foods that have bothered me before, i.e, rice, any chineese food. I stay away from bread, pasta and sugar simply because I don't want to get used to eating them again. I am a carb addict. I love saltine crackers though. But I have to watch it. Chicken and turkey are tempormental. (I try to stay away from beef and pork) One day I'll do okay, but the the next day my pouch is not liking it. I don't do well with leftovers at all. I eat lots of cottage cheese and light yogurt for breakfast. Did I say cheese was my friend. I had type 2 diabetes, but I was taken off all meds when I was discharged from the hospital. My blood sugars have been normal ever since. I have to watch that they don't go too low. I was on my way to insulin with fasting sugars of over 200. I was taken off of blood pressure medicine 2 weeks after surgery. I was getting dizzy because my blood pressure was dropping too low. I can't speak on sciatica.
on 1/8/07 12:59 am - summerville, SC
Topic: RE: More 101 reasons why I had wls
51. to buy pany hose that fit 52. to be able to sit in any chair without worrying about breaking it. 53. to have a bra fit comfortably and to be able to buy underwear at victoria's secret rather than at "tubby the underwear guy" 54. so the bathroom scales won't creak and groan when you step on it. 56. to never be embarrassed about my size. 55. to not be more out of shape than senior citizens 56. to not break the toilet seat when leaning to one side . 57. to buy clothing bargains that fit for the next year. 57. to try to make a double chin and fail. 58. to not wake up feeling achy in your back or to have ache-free legs and feet 59. to not count walking to the refrigerator as daily exercise. 60. to not have to wait for the handicapped bathroom stalls when there are plenty of other stalls availible.
on 1/8/07 12:38 am - summerville, SC
Topic: RE: 6 month check-up.
hello julie,, i think you are doing great,,,no one is going to lose just like another,,,one will walk more ,,eat more protine then another,,,,but you are loseing just great ,,,,im loveing each pound i lose,,,never to see it again,,,,good luck with your new skinnyyerrr you!!! sandy
on 1/8/07 12:34 am - summerville, SC
Topic: RE: 6 month check-up.
hello diana, i think im talking to my twin,,,lol,,,,,we are right at the same,,,but i started at 314lbs size 30 pants,,now im at 231 lbs and size 16 too,,,thats a lose of 83lbs ,,,i think anyone that has had the surgery made a wonderful big chose to finilly lose the weight forever,,,fast or slow we all will lose it forever,,,thats the way we have to look at it,,,its not comeing back,,,,its gone,,,we should have funerals for the pounds we loss each month,,lol,,,,never to see them again,,,how wonderful is that,,,,even the slow losers,,,how fast did they lose with other diets,,,,i think they are loseing just enough at the time they need to lose it,,,,not to fast and not to slow,,,,,i am so glad i had this surgery,,,,and i love all the friends i made here on the board,,,,good luck in this wonderful new yr,,,,,i see im saying wonderful alot,,,i must be happy just to be a loser,,, your friend w/a pouch sandy
on 1/8/07 12:25 am - Norcross, GA
Topic: RE: More 101 reasons why I had wls
42. To be rid of Diabetes Medicine 43. To get off of high blood pressure medicine 44. To now appear invisible to men 45. To be able to run again 46. To be able to shop at regular size stores 47. To not worry about dying early 48. To rid the concern that my weight was the reason I didn't get the job 49. To feel pretty and sexy 50. To conquer the biggest thing that effected my entire life
on 1/7/07 11:08 pm - SSP, MN
Topic: People Mag on my S it List
The Today program featured the PEOPLE magazine editor with the issue of HALF THIER SIZE. And she says..."We wanted women that didnt take the easy way out with pills WLS or anything like that." Excuse the hell outta me? The easy way out?? Ill bet these women HAD the option a few times to pigout and get back on track. I am gonna write People with a complaint that they better re-word things or lose alot of readers through alienation. Sigh....thanks for letting me vent! Linda 263/175 7-25-06
Lynette W.
on 1/7/07 1:01 pm - Crookston, MN
Topic: RE: More 101 reasons why I had wls
37. To finally feel good about myself. To look in a mirror and be proud of who I am again. 38. To have energy to keep up with my two teenage daughters, or at least try to anyway. 39. To NOT have to wake up each week saying to myself. "Today I'm going to start a NEW diet and loose some weight and eat heathy" 40. To make a different New years resolution that doesn't have to do with dieting. 41. To acually quit eating before I'm stuffed and miserable. 42. To not wake up each morning with severe back pain and suffer all day with it.
(deactivated member)
on 1/7/07 10:27 am - Gerald, MO
Topic: More 101 reasons why I had wls
32. To go dancing and 'really' dance. 33. To have a party at my house and be able to walk around with 25 other people in there!! 34. To walk out on a second floor or higher balcony and not be afraid it is going to collapse. 35. Compliments, compliments, compliments. 36. To have what I call 'skinny people' ask how they can loose weight too. Ok everyone, now add your reasons. We need to get up to 101. ~Diana~
on 1/7/07 6:51 am - summerville, SC
hope you have a wonderful 2007,,,write me soon tell me how your doing,,,love ya, sandy
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