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Topic: RE: ~* STay at home Mom Going back to work Help Scared and sad*~
Hey Melissa!
WoW- you will have a job before you know it. 5 years can be scary but I bet you'll go out there and suceed at whatever you do. I just wanted to reply to ya and say Good Luck

M. Pickler
on 1/11/07 8:39 am
on 1/11/07 8:39 am
Topic: ~* STay at home Mom Going back to work Help Scared and sad*~
Hey all.
I am going to try..... TRY to get a job now.
I have put my resume in every job search you can imagin.
We will see. I have an interview Friday with a help desk IT firm. I have not worded in about 5 years..
. Wish me luck!
So if I am not updating sorry.....
I put in about 100 applications too... Only a few calls and two interviews so far.
Its so hard but need to since we need a new roof and all the hospital bills
. Read profile for info about that
. Anyway have a great night
and if you have any advice...
.Give it.
...I need it.

Topic: RE: pain near incision....
I had pains on and off, to me thats normal they go away when they want, I am almost 6 months out, and I get them once in awhile, also I didn't have drains so i can't help u in that part
Topic: RE: pain near incision....
NO, call the doc. This sounds scary to me. Call doc now.

Topic: RE: pain near incision....
Interesting . .. I did not have a drain, but I have a spot on the right side of my incision where there are little . . . lumps, I guess I'd call them . .. that protrude enough to be visible, and are quite tender. I am going to talk to my PCP about it this week. Have you checked with your doc or your surgeon???
Topic: RE: People Mag on my S it List
I agree .These people are just idots that think this way. But who cares just goes to show how uninformed they are. But go for it girl send them a nasty letter.
Topic: RE: pain near incision....
I haven't had any, but my hubby was told it can be nerve endings. He's had pain from his appendix incision for a few years.
Topic: pain near incision....
Anyone else having pain near their incision? i'm having shooting pains that come and go where my drain was... is this normal?
Topic: RE: More 101 reasons why I had wls
61. To comfortably wear size seven bikini panties and thongs.
62. To be shocked at wearing size twelve petite jeans and slacks.
63. To comfortably wear low-rise jeans.
64. To actually appreciate no hunger or cravings for 5 1/2 months.
65. To hear compliments, compliments, compliments on a daily basis.
66. To have the most amazing relationshhip with a guy I met one month prior to surgery.
Topic: RE: People Mag on my S it List
I had a similar experience recently (read about it in my blog). Some people on my state board said..."Ok...this is was the "easy way out" then I'm smart for taking it!"
It's a change in perspective....helped me a bit.
Christina S