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Topic: RE: Onderland Finally!!
How wonderful, Kathi!
Isn't this journey absolutely amazing?
I'm going to do a happy dance for you...
Keep up the good work!
~~~T C.~~~

Topic: RE: Six months today and struggling
woops meant to write...."800 cals a day" sorry bout that.
Topic: RE: Six months today and struggling
Hi Michele,
I take in about 800 a day cals per my dietician instructions. I'm suppose to get up to 1000 cals by 1yr post op. I'm not sure that, that is enough cals even at this point... so I will have to rediscuss this with her when I go for my next appointment.
So sorry that you are struggling right now and it sounds like you are taking all of the steps to get things moving again, how much water do you get in, in a day? Do you have a dietician/nutritionist that you can consult? Perhaps they can analyze your daily menu and help you from there?
~~~Triple C.~~~
Topic: RE: Six months today and struggling
hi Michele, I just wanted to let you know that I was at a stall for over 4 weeks & then bam.. 3 lbs came off one week, one lb. the next, 2 the next, gained 2 the next, 1 down the next week, then nothing for 2 weeks. So.... I think this is "normal" for us at this point (my surgery was July 25/06) I am down 76lbs. from surgery date. I think that upping the protien & getting a personal trainer is an excellent idea & don't worry, you are doing GREAT!!!!! I find when I get in more protien & exercise (& weight training) I loose more FOR SURE!!! Plus I feel a whole lot better. I personally don't count my calories, but I do know that I read ALL of the labels of what I buy at the grocery store & I choose low fat/low carb. I don't eat fried foods or fast foods or sugar (I use stevia, a natural sweetner from the health food store) Take care, al the best!! HUGS, Heather
Topic: Six months today and struggling
I'm at my 6th moth since surgery and the scale has not moved since the beginning of December. I was hoping to be alot further along than this. I was at 320 before surgery and this morning I was at 243. I have been fluctuating between 243 and 245 for over a month, almost 2 months.
I have upped my protein, I hired a personal trainer. What else can I do?
How many calories are any of you taking in now.
My personal trainer wants me to eat more calories.
I will call my doctor and see what he recommends, but was wondering if anyone else at @ 6 months out increased their calorie and what has been your longest stall so far?

Topic: RE: New Here.......Hair loss ?
I jut wanted to thank all of you that responded. I guess the hair loss has slowed down, but I am definately still losing alot! Guess ptience is a virtue! Thaks again,

Topic: RE: 100 lbs gone forever
Be sure to get your Century Club Card for your profile! Show off that accomplishment!
Keep up the good can get to your goal!
Christina S

Topic: RE: antidepressants
Hi Bridget! Thanks for your response. It's nice to know that I'm not alone. I've decided to go ahead and start taking it again. I'm making an appointment with my PCP for a checkup and to make sure there won't be a problem with it. It was really hard for me to admit that I "need" to take the Zoloft. It made me feel like a failure. Although, in my heart, I know that isn't true. I've been stalled on my weight loss for so long, and now that I'm going back on the Zoloft I'm terrified of gaining weight. I guess I'll just have to work a little harder.
Anyway, thanks for the feedback. I can't tell you how much I enjoy being able to talk with other people who are going through the same things that I am. This site has really been a blessing for me.
Take care and have a great day!

Topic: RE: First time to this Forum
Bridget, thanks for the welcome, we are practically neighbors! I live at the Mound, just a bit West and South of you. I recently wrote to Obesity Help about the prospect of starting a OH Support Group in our area. As I could see none that were affiliated to OH in this area. Let me know if you are interested in such a local group. I have some homework to do before I can actually apply, like update my profile, etc. Then a little money involved, but in return they will provide lots of training.
Linda Woods