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Topic: RE: 100 lbs gone forever
Yay! Crystal! That is so awesome. Very proud of you. Today is our 6 months, thankfully I dropped at least 4 pounds (I think my scale was goofy this morning) and I'm only 5 pounds shy of my "target" weight. I'm cool with that. I feel great and I know I'm losing alot of inches.
Have a great weekend,
Topic: RE: Six months today and struggling
Hi, I understand what you are going through. I didn't lose any weight for a long time until this week. I finally dropped 4 pounds. It took having oral surgery to make it happen, but it did. I had to get back to complete basics. I didn't eat anything but cottage cheese, yogurt, pudding, and popsicles for 3 days. I think sometimes we just need to do something completely different from the routine to break the cycle. I would also recommend using to keep up with your info. It's really cool and its pretty accurate. The reports are great and you can watch your own progression.
Happy Friday,
Topic: Friday Five - Weekly Update!
1. What types of food did you eat this week?
2. What types of exercise did you do this week?
3. How much weight did you lose? Total loss?
4. What was your biggest challenge?
5. Have you started a plastic surgery fund? If applicable, can you help us with ideas on how to make it happen?
*Fun bonus question:
What are you Valentine's Day plans?
Topic: RE: Six months today and struggling
You are are correct, we didn't come this far to give up. And I like you, have been guilty of thinking of where I want to be versus enjoying each moment of my journey. I still have a lot more to lose so it is easy to get caught up in trying to get to the end (well goal weight anyway, we will have to live this new life for the rest of our lives so there is no end). I always get caught up in "the window" of opportunity mentality. So I lose focus of the everyday benefits from my journey.
I so know how you feel but just like you, I will keep on pushing on. This is my one true shot to ever get to a normal weight and I plan to make the best of it.
Now as far as the pic....If you go to the main boards and look on the left hand side of the screen, there will be a box with a "user settings" link in a box next to the message board messages. This is what's in the box :
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Click on "USER SETTINGS", in there is where you can upload a avatar.
I hope I didn't confuse you as I've been known to do that to people sometimes *L*.
~~~T C.~~~
Topic: RE: Six months today and struggling
You guys are great!!!
Just hearing your stories has given me motivation to keep going. No matter what you are told about the surgery being a tool and the information that is given, my mind still thinnks that because I had Major Surgery (as my doctor keep reminding me), the weight should just drop off. However, like anything, "no pain, no gain" "anything worth having is worth working for"
Out of everything that has been said, the thing that I need to work on is increasing my water intake. That is a struggle for me, as well as keeping up with my supplements. We fall down, but we get up. I am grateful for what I have lost so far, I just keep looking at how far I have to go, instead of enjoying the moment.
Thank you all for helping me to put things back into perspective. I will push on and you all to push on. We can do it!!! We didn't come this far to give up.

Topic: RE: Six months today and struggling
I just hit the six month mark as well....I am losing fine but wanted to share with you what my nut said yesterday.
Stick to 700 calories a more than 45 grams of carbs (includes breads fruits etc) and under 36 grams of fat.
To really monitor yourself try going to
I see everything I eat, I can review what I have done over the month and analyze my weight measurment changes too.
Hope some of this helps..keep going it has to come off..and it will.
Topic: RE: Six months today and struggling
Hey Michele and everybody,
I am about to have my six month anniversary, too, on the 26th. I have lost 80 pounds (from 304 to 224) in these six months, but I know of others who have lost over 100 and started at around my weight. It is hard not to get discouraged. I'm glad you all shared where you are, because I feel like we're all on the same page, and I'm not alone, after all!
My weight is coming off much more slowly now, and that is hard to deal with when you expect that the weight will just "fall off" as everyone tells you it will. It did for awhile, but I still have 74 or so pounds to lose, and it makes me wonder if I will ever make it!
I do have to confess that I exercise only sporadically. I have got to stop being lazy about it, but that is my nature and it is a battle! I have discovered, at least, that I like pilates a lot, so while that isn't cardio, it will help with my strength and firmness. My treadmill taunts me in the corner of my bedroom! I used it yesterday, but couldn't make myself do it today. I'm so rotten.
I need to watch my calorie intake, too. I am feeling more snackish, and am having to battle my appetite again. That really scares me! I don't want to gain a single pound!
I guess I need to count the calories instead of thinking in terms of 1/4 cup of food, or 1/2 cup, or whatever.
Thanks for sharing what you are going through; I hope we all make it to goal!
Topic: RE: Six months today and struggling
My Nut. says that we should be eating around 800-1000 calories a day at this point (check with your doctor though). I've been told many times that PROTEIN + WATER + EXERCISE = WEIGHTLOSS so, if any of those pieces are not where they should be try getting back on track with it. Also, don't forget your supplements/vitamins. Another thing is that our bodies sometimes need to catch up with us. I know my weight loss this past month has been slower than I thought it would be, but I also know that my clothes are starting to be too big again....remember to measure, maybe you're losing inches instead of pounds right now.
Hope you're encouraged....
Christina S

Topic: RE: Six months today and struggling
Thanks for the information and support. I am just going to keep moving forward, at some point it has to drop. I do need to increase my water for sure. The PT wants me to eat about 1200 cals. per day. That will be a struggle. Although I am eating more than I used to . I think that I am so afraid of eating to much and gaining all my weight. My mind plays tricks on me, I think that I will be in the percentage of people who stop losing early and who gain all their weight back. I hear that some people lose 75lbs and no more. The thought is horrifying to me. I am half weigh to goal, I need to lose 80lbs. more.
PS. how do you put your picture on the post?
Topic: RE: 100 lbs gone forever
Congrat to you Crystal!
Welcome to the Century Club!
You are almost to the finish line....WOOT!
Keep up the good work!
~~~T C.~~~