Odd WOW moment
Hi all-
So I went in today for my pre-op bloodwork (gallbladder's coming out next week) and for them to draw blood for my 9-month check up. Well, in the past they could only find a "good" vein in my right hand. It always took forever for them to draw blood and it hurt!
Well....they asked "which arm?" I said, normally my hand, but you're welcome to see if you can feel a vein since I've only had blood drawn a few times since losing weight. SO...the AWESOME tech. felt around a bit in both arms (I thought for sure it was hand time) and then said..."I like this arm (my right)" and proceeded to prep me. I was prepared for the poke and hunt method that most try....since my veins don't normally play along. BUT...she got a vein on the first try! IN MY ARM!!! I know this is an odd wow moment, and possibly has nothing to do with my losing weight, but I was amazed. She rocked....it didn't even hurt when she switched tubes (I had to have several drawn). SO...now...I sit here almost 2 hours later and my arm doesn't hurt, nor is it even bruising (like my hand normally did)!
YEAH!!! Now, I'm hoping all my labs come back with great results!
Christina S
That's great! I bet you were so relieved. Good luck on your surgery.
I have a question for you. They didn't remove my gallbladder during my surgery either. I haven't been feeling all that great lately. Can you tell me what symptoms are associated with needing to have your gallbladder removed?
That is a fantastic WOW moment!!!
Wishing you all the best with your gallbladder surgery ... I had mine out in November, and it was a piece of cake!
I had to be at the hospital at 6:00AM, and we were home (over an hour drive) before 2:00 PM. I got very cold after the surgery, and they made me sleep for a few hours, but then I was up and walking and ready to go home. I was sore a few days, but had two weeks off work so played after that!
Best thing about it is no more gallbladder pains ever!
I was relieved and excited!
I started to have a dull pain after eating under my right boob (can I say boob?!). The first few times it was sharp, take your breath away pain....but once I figured out what it MIGHT be...it changed to a dull ache and just general blah, especially after eating. I mentioned it to my Dr during my 6 month appt. They sent me for an ultrasound and sure enough, they found stones. SO...I was told to be careful until they could schedule me a time to take it out. I think there are some alternative methods to try to clean it out, but I didn't want to mess with those because in the end, stones don't ever really improve, only get worse....personal choice.
I was relieved it wasn't my appendix getting ready to burst! I guess I'll have to wait for that to happen some other time! HA! I'm gonna look and feel like a pin cushion if that happens!
Christina S