New to this forum
Hello all...
I didn't know this forum existed... I just wanted to see where everyone was with their weight loss... I had surgery 7/25/06... I was 301 at my consultation got down to 281 by surgery morning and currently 199-200... how is everyone else doing and/or is this good? I was a size 28 b4 surgery currently a size 14... do not know how many inches... I wish I knew though!!
Let me know your status!
Hi Shann!
Wow, you're doing amazing
I also had surgery 7/25/06 I started at 321 around the beginning of July then I had to do that two week liquid diet so by my surgery day I was 300. I am currently 210. I still haven't gone down too many sizes in Jeans (I assume it's because I carry most of my weight in my belly) but I am in a size 20 from a size 28.
I'm sort of in a funk lately but today is a new day and I started fresh. Done a 2 mile walk and haven't ate any
foods.. lol
Take care and welcome to the July board.
Keep in touch,

Hi Katrina,
You are doing well...we all progress at different rates though... so keep your head up. I understand your pain though... I was at a serious plateau for months and just in the last 2-3 weeks I finally broke it... ate nothing except protein, limited carbs, and lots of fluids (crystal light and H20) I also work out about 3-5 x per week!
Girl don't even talk about the belly area look at my pre-op pics I looked like a pregnant elephant... and compared to now... whew! Amazing
Take care and keep up the good work!
Be blessed!
Hello Christina S,
You are doing an awesome job... I looked at your pics and compared them ... what a difference, huh?! I wish I had kept up with my measurements... I didn't one thing I do know for certain is that I have lost alot of them (inches that is) LOL!
Take care of yourself and continued success!
Be blessed!
I am glad I found this forum as well
Hi Shann
I had surgery 07/26/06 and I started out at 315 and down now to 239...I hover somewhere between that and 244....It depends on the day I have lost anywhere from 70-75 lbs and around 75 inches....b4 surgery I was in a size 28 tight jean and now I am in a size 18 jeans....shirts were 3x down to an 18-20...
You are doing awesome keep up the good work.