hiya from NY
well, 1/31 was my 6 month anniversary and I'm happy to say that I am -85lbs! I have to ask my daughter to update my pics. Been getting lots of compliments...like fine music to my ears. I am wearing size 12 and some 10's and feeling FANTASTIC! Fifteen pounds away for my first goal, and I seem to be at a stand still, nevertheless, still very content.
I have a question about protein bars. I want to be able to buy a few to keep one at my desk, one in my pocketbook and car for days when I don't get to actually have a lunch hours. Please, does anyone recommend any brand/flavor? I am afraid of buying them because of the high sugar content I've seen. I've been a good girl when it comes to sugars and haven't touched cake, candies or icecream. So when I see that some of the protein bars have a higher amount of sugar than proteins then I always opt not to purchase them.
What bars are recommended here and how many grams of sugar do they have? Please share your info. Thanks in advance.
Promise to update with new pics soon.
Hi Maryellen-
Congratulations your loss so far. I use Power Crunch Protein Bars. You can find them all over the internet (I found cheapest at www.gotbody.com recently) or the Vitamin Shop. Of course, you could always order "samples" from www.bariatriceating.com too. You can easily find the nutrition information I'm sure...I don't have it handy, but I know that the sugars are really low.
Hope that helps!
Hi, Maryelle. Congrats on your loss! I've been trying different kinds. Some make me feel like crap so I only eat half at a time. They are just too much. I eat the South Beach Diet meal replacement bars, they don't have sugar but they have 17 grams of sugar alcohol, so divide that in half. That's why I eat only a half at a time. I've also tried Met-RX Protein Plus, it has 32 grams of protein, but it's very heavy and its 19 grams of sugar alcohol. I haven't tried the Atkins Advantage, but it's 1 gram of sugar and has 19 grams of protein. My favorite is the Pure Protein bars, they are smaller and I can eat a whole one. I don't have any with me so I don't know how many sugars are in it. Sorry! It's really just a matter of trying them all out.
Hi Mary Ellen,
I have try almost everyone out there and haven't been successful until just recently I found two I like. They take me about a week to eat I just take little pieces to crave the sweet tooth sometimes. They are THINK THIN peanut butter from Trader Joe's and Atkins Advantage Breastfast Bars (apple crisp) I am not one for bars or protein drinks but everyone once in awhile I like to have something sweet but also alittle heavier then pudding or applesauce. Good Luck