Happy 6 mos Surgiversary!
Congratulations on your six-month surgiversary Bejai! I just looked at your profile to see your progress as you didn't provide any stats. HUGE congratulations on all your efforts to date! My six-months is in six minutes, the 25th, and at 5' 1/2" started at 239 and am currently 153, for 86 pounds gone forever! My six-month followup appointment yesterday was amazing, as I've been so diligent following program and exercise. However, as we end our honeymoon phase where we lose the most, I am not concerned going forward on my own, as neither my hunger nor appetite/cravings have reappeared. Can't believe what a chore it is to eat those three one-cup meals of mostly protein daily, though will definitely put it to my advantage. Keep up the fabulous work and have a great day! Hugs, Patti (who turns 51 Fri. the 26th, and is feeling younger than ever!)
Thanks and congrats to you on your great weight loss
. Happy Dance for you! It really makes a difference in how you feel physically and emotionally. Stats? I have lost 100lbs as of about 2weeks ago. Feeling great and living more and better. Have a great day and a very, very Happy Birthday
. Huggzz, Bejai!

Hi Bejai, What a feeling, huh?! Just a suggestion regarding clothes shopping: are you able to hit thrift stores? There's one three blocks from my home, and I always take clothes I've shrunk out of, plus have bought some very-new nice clothes to shrink out of, sometimes even with original tags! Happy celebratory dancing, happy, happy shopping! Hugs, Patti