a wow moment 4 days late
hello all
i had a pile of pants,,,really 3 piles,,,20's. 18's, and 16's,,,,,now i was in a 30and now in a 20,,,,well my girl friend needed a ride last monday and i grabed a pair from the 20 pile,, you know how some may fit and others dont in the same size,,,well, some i couldnt ware so i was trying a new one,,,,these were not baggy or nothing,,,i loved them,,,,and may i add,,i looked good,,,,,and felt good,,,ok,,,now on friday,,,i thought i would try one from the 18 pile,,,and wow,,,they fit,,,,on sunday ,,i washed clothes,,,and just for the heck of it,,i looked to see what size those where from monday,,,,and you know what ,,,,,they were 18 too,,,and i didnt know it,,,,,so ,,,now ,,,i guess i am in 18's ,,,i am so happy,,,,,i can now see the lose,,,,my kids came over for thanks given and we all cooked and they ate,,,i ate a bit and said man im full,,,and they laughed,,,,,and i did too,,,but i didnt have any erge to eat all that stuff,,,,but in there food i make it better for them,,,sf,,suger in the cooking,,,and other little things,,,so they ate better then they thought they did,,,,,,lol,,,
anyway,,,i love all of you wls,,,friends,,,i know what you all have been going though,,,we did it together,,,,and we will always be there for eachother,,,when others doing understand,,,keep in touch,,
your friend w/a pouch