i didnt tell i had wls! did u?
hello again,
i was just wondering if you all told everyone you had the surgery,,,i have only told my children and 2 of my friends and i go to a wls group and they all know of couse,,,
i dont know why but i didnt say anything,,,just making it look like im on ANOTHER DIET,,,maybe i did it for me,,,i didnt want to fail at this too,,,so i guess i want to see if i make it,,,,so i can tell everyone that this does really work,,,,am i wrong?,,,does anyone understand?,,,im not at all ashamed i did this,,,you all hear of people saying we are weak,,because we just cant diet and lose,,,,,they just dont understand what its like to be over weight and just cant keep it off,,,,,,,i dont know,,,,help,,

Hi Sandy,
I only told a select few outside my immediate family. I'm a private person and also didn't think I could handle judgements from others well. It's really a personal decision - some of my friends are really good at telling someone to go take a hike or not internalizing the judgements, so they are very open about their surgery. I'm a little too sensitive for that. Do what feels right to you.
Good Luck,

I have only told the peoople I want to - closest friends/family. My students don't know (I'm a teacher) nor do most of my coworkers. I decided I wouldn't say anything unless asked directly if I had the surgery. Lots of people ask "How are you doing it?" My response is "I eat significantly less, exercise and am very careful about fat/sugar intake." That's all true so I don't feel like I'm being dishonest but I have gotten a lot of positive feedback. I decided not to say anything because there are many judgmental people in this world and I'm fairly private. I didn't feel like arguing with anyone over the topic. The people who I've found are negative about the surgery (those who don't kjnow I've had it) are people who haven't struggled with weight issues and I detest being judged by those who haven't been there. I felt it better to avoid the situation rather than be ticked off by ignorance. I completely understand where you are coming from. You should do whatever feels right. So far, it's worked for me and everyone has noticed the 70+ lbs I've lost and been just wonderful/positive about it.
Hi Sandy,
If I had to do it over again, I wouldn't have told my coworkers or as many as my friends as I did. There is too much ignorance regarding WLS. Initially, I was more than willing to explain the procedure to all. NOw, I am just tired of hearing how I can gain it all back like someone they know!
For what its worth, I think you have the right idea!
It is nobody's business.
Good luck,

thanks maryellen,
how are you doing ,,by the way,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,anyway,,,,thank you for your responce,,,i was sitting here the other day,,,wondering,,was i the only one that didnt say anything,,,,in no means i am ashamed,,,,im so glad i had the surgery and would do it again in a min,,,,but i know from just regular diets,,,skinny friends would ask how are you losing,,,as if they really care,,,they dont want anymore compatition ,,lol,,,,now if someone over weight asked me well i would tell them about the surgery if i thought they really wanted or was really ready for help....i think some over weight people are not ready to hear about the surgery,,,,they still are in love with the food,,,i hated food,,what i let it do to me,,,,and i new i had no hope in my self unless i had the surgery,,,well,,,,ill go now,,,,keep in touch,,,thank you again,,,for you help,
your friend w/a pouch