Do you still have discomfort when eating?
I have had two EGDs and they have helped tremendously, but I'm still having discomfort when eating. Yes I take small bites and yes I chew very well. Is this normal? I'm 4 months out and I still dread the thought of eating because of the discomfort. Please tell me if anyone else is having this same issue 4 months out.
Katrina, We have the same surgery date sista! My suggestion for not overfilling is: Measure all your food. Per my surgeon/hospital program, I measure my food, as I'm not suposed to eat more than one cup for each of three meals daily. Takes careful planning, as some foods expand in the pouch. I used to eat sugar-free/carb control oatmeal, which expands while being nuked plus in the pouch, though after a second stall, I now limit the oatmeal to twice per week max, if at all. I've seen on the boards that people have trouble with (nontoasted) bread expanding in the pouch. I'm so grateful for still having no appetite nor hunger, and haven't even had toast. Hope the food-measuring suggestion helps! Take care of you! Hugs, Patti