AMAZED at how good I feel already!
I just wanted to share how awesome I feel. I have NEVER felt better IN MY LIFE!!!
Physically & mentally I feel SO good! I can do the physical stuff with ease & I'm not in mental anguish over going up or down stairs, making the beds, grocery shopping etc.. I didn't expect such big results so quickly. I lost 20lbs. on my 2 week pre-op liquid diet & 45 since surgery, so 65lbs. since July 10th. I am a new person. I can't even imagine how I will feel by the spring. I am so grateful for having this surgery. I am energised for LIFE!! I wish the same for everyone who is seeking it. My daughter & I are so happy!!
Hugs to you all!!
my sis found me,,,,,,ayayayayayayayy..hugs,,,hugs,,,,you are doing so great,,,im glad you found this,,,i like it here,,everyone had there surgery in july or close to it,,,we have other friends drop in,,,,,but im so glad i can talk to you again,,,maybe here more then before,,,im so glad we didnt lose eachother,,,,you are my dear dear surgery,sis,,,,hugs,

Its great isn't it?
It took me a couple weeks to realize I wasn't huffing and puffing up our steps. My house gets cleaner faster-- though I will never be a perfect housekeeper LOL. I am walking more now than I did three years ago at the same weight. Its AWESOME.
I also can't imagine what this spring will be like. I just know I am going to grab life by its collar and shake the bejeesus out of it to get all the goodies.
Aloha Heather B. I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! Not only are you getting amazing results from the surgery, but you are feeling wonderful...that is the best news of all.
After reading your post, I just realized that I changed my sheets on the bed this morning without even breaking a sweat!! In the past I would have been huffing and puffing and sweating up a storm making up the bed, but this time it was a breeze. Wow....small steps, eh??
Thanks for reminding me of what a wonderful gift this has been. Keep up the good work!!
Aloha nui loa,