Gain during cycle?? Ten Pounds??
I know that prior to surgery, I gained weight during my monthly cycle, but never weighed. But I just realized that on day 2, I GAINED TEN POUNDS from the day before it started. I just now use my scale to check my weight more frequently.
For all of the gals out there, do you gain? TEN POUNDS??????? What the heck is wrong with me??????

i dont have those things anymore,,,,had it all taken out yrs ago,,,but now this week i did gain 4 lbs and ive been losing 3 to 6 a week so gaining,,,,man,,,,i dont know,,,i cant say what is wrong with you is what is wrong with me,,lol
but maybe this would have been the time, of the month for me,,,,,i dont know,,,just know i want to lose not gain,,,but im here for you,,,
friends w/a pouch