Anyone else have difficulty w/ ground meat
So, early on in the soft foods phase I was able to eat ground meat w/ no issue. I either had very lean beef, venison or ground turkey. It was not a problem at all. However, the last few times I've had ground venison it basically bounces right back out. Anyone else have this problem or have foods that they were able to eat and then couldn't.
It seems as though I have a problem with a lot of foods like that. I can eat something one day, then the next it doesn't want to go down and stay down.
I'm working very hard on eating slowly and trying new things. Most important I trying very hard to not throw up anymore!
It's a pain, and it through me into a major depression last week.
The throwing up issue has been a problem for me too the past few weeks. I'll go 5 or 6 days w/o any problems and then all of a sudden i have a few days where it seems that certain things(and it can be things that have never been a problem) will bounce back at me like a rubber ball. Lately it's been ground meat. I also got somewhat depressed over it as well.
I've read this and tried it and it seems to work well for me. Make sure the meat is very moist and even has some kind of sauce....for example I do better with chicken when it is cooked with cream of mushroom soup and whatever other spice you may want to definitely helps me........the sauce makes it go down a lot better.......however, I do have problems with beef
(which is very common) with the exception of Wendy's chili (go figure - I have never had a problem with their chili)! Monique D.

I've only been sick once and it was either the chicken or steak that I ate. It was only a bite or two, but apparently it didn't sit right. I've had both before and after the incident, I guess it just depends on the day. Moisture has a lot to do with it too!
The only other thing that just doesn't sit well with me is Salad. Weird, eh? Its something with the leaves not going down right. It just makes me feel bad. No salad for me.