Side sleepers?
Im not a bandster, but I came home with my g-tube on the left side-- also my favorite side. Its been a week and Im still mostly sleeping in a recliner, then I head to my bed and sleep for another three on my right side. My hip gets all numb. heh
I can totally sympathise on not being able to sleep the way we wish to!
I had GBS, and I can say that I had a tube on my left side(side sleeper also) that was taken out but it was hard to sleep when I got home because I couldn't sleep on my side. So I had my mother go out & get me one of those pillows that has the arms on the sides.(where it helps you to sit up in bed) Well I was able to lay that pillow down (with the arms facing up)and put my body pillow on top of itto make it more of a slant instead of a big bulky pillow then the bed.(that would be uncomfy) This way I was able to sleep on my side and be very comfy. Hope this helps you out & I hope that you are able to get some much needed rest soon!
I spent the first week in a sitting type position (using one of those arm type pillows) but it hurt my back. Then I spent a handfull of days fitfully sleeping on my back. Now, if I'm gentle and all propped right with body pillows I can sleep on my right hand side. I'd prefer to sleep on the left, but due to gas pains I can't get comfie laying on that side. I'm sure this'll pass.. but until then it's fitfull dreams!
Three weeks in a recliner. Finally slept in my bed on both sides and since have even slept on my tummy a bit. Thought the time would never come.
I am lucky enough to have a HUGE recliner (for my HUGE butt!) and I practiced sleeping "almost" on my side for a week
Broke my bod in slowly!!!
Good luck!! It will happen.