Home from the Hospital-Then what?
For those of you who have gone before me (my surgery is 08/22), I have a question that I know you can help me out with...what have you been doing since you arrived home from the hospital? Are you bored? Resting? Twiltin' your thumbs? Finding a comfortable spot to sleep in? Walking...in the house or outside? Concentrating on your intake amounts, h2o and protein? Would really be interested to hear from you as to what you are doing to keep busy. Also, anything that has been a shock or WOW moment that you weren't prepared for. Only the best wishes for you going forward.
Appreciate your advise...Thanks, Candy
Candy, I am 2 1/2 weeks post op and was released from the hospital within 24 hours. So far I have had no problems, just the typical gas pains. The answer to that is walk, walk, walk. I don't really measure my water intake since I drink it out of water bottles. I do measure my protein drink (which I am sooooooo sick of) It has been 110 degree here in Southern California so I haven't done alot of excersice. I do have free weight and I do those to tone my arms and crunches. I also get out with my kids and their activities.
If you are board, just resting or twiliting your thumbs; you really need to start being active. I believe by me being up and going from the time I was out of recovery and the activities that I was involved in once I got home has helped tremendously with the healing process. Sometimes the little pain/discomfort you have to push through and get up.
As to your question of "Has there been a shock or wow moment that I weren;t prepared for? Well, I was very very surprise to have been discharged within 24 hours of having my WLS.
Walking that is what it is all about. The more you walk the better you feel. I can't believe the difference it makes. But when I start feeling bad or hurting I know I need to walk. I am concentrating on the protein, because I am soooo soooo sick of the protein shakes, and physically have to make myself drink them, especially the last one of the day. I had my surgery on Wed. and was back "at work" the next Monday. I wasn't technically working, but getting ready for school to start , and man I love walking the halls at school better than doing laps around my dining room table. The 100 degree weather here in Dallas has kinda put a damper on me wanting to walk outside.
The pain in my left side was the thing I was NOT prepared for. OMG!!! I made the mistake of getting on my left side in bed one night and it was horrible trying to get up. That is really the only pain I have anymore. I can do just about anything except move heavy furniture, and lay on my left side.
Bobbie Lynn
I had Mini-Open RNY on July 19. Since I've been home I've been concentrating on getting my liquids/protien in and trying to set a schedule for myself. I've tried to walk as much as I can stand (indoors or running errands with others so I don't have to lift or drive). I'm starting to get sick of watching tv when resting. I'm used to being able to go and do as I please so that's been a bit difficult. My Hubby has been doing some renovating and I'm itching to get in and help, but I don't want to risk hurting myself.
As for sleeping....our recliner has been my life-saver. I tried the chair, the bed, the couch....nothing is as comfy for long-term sleeping as the recliner.
Wow or shocking moments....15 pounds gone the first week was a big wow!
Hope this helps,
Christina S

I am five days out and have just been resting and trying to get used to how to take pills and drinking enough.
I did get a coloring book and new box of crayons...and magazines...and I have sattalite tv so that helps.
Its not a time to be impatient...its a time to be easy and rest from what your bodys just been through.
Good luck
I'm one week out. Like the others said, walk, walk, walk. Walking in shopping malls is GREAT (and air conditioned). I also spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to get protein in without drinking those shakes. I found something that works for me--SF jello pudding. I add 4 scoops of Any Whey to the mix, add 2 cups of skim milk, blend it for a minute or so, then refrigerate. Each 1/2 cup contains 17 gm protein. I made cheesecake pudding last night and for one of my meals, I added some SF strawberry and chocolate sauce. If I closed my eyes, it tasted like the real thing. Consistency was off, though

Hi Candy,
It is sooo great that you are asking here. I wish I had done the same thing! I had my surgery July 19th (approx 2 weeks). I was in the hospital for 2 nights because of the gas pain. That was kind of unexpected. Everybody had told me there was little/no pain but my pain was pretty bad. I had surgery Wed... by Sat, I had passed the gas... Wow, what a relief! So... if you experience the same thing, know that relief is in the near future even if it seems like it may never come!
Now, I am like everyone else. My "job" is to make sure I get my liquids and protein in. I used to drink a LOT of water but now my tummy is so little and can only handle so much. I have a tough time getting it all in. If I don't get it all in (vitamins, too), I feel weak, lightheaded and just icky. I also wasn't expecting to have the difficult time of the first few weeks in terms of what we eat... er, drink. I'm SOOO very sick of liquids, it's not even funny. I can't wait to chew on something and eat just regular ol' food.
I just keep telling myself... "What's a month out of your life? All the results will be worth it!"
So, is life perfect and dandy after surgery, no, but it'll go fast. I have been getting bored and restless the last few days but most days am not up to physically walking too much to go out, but one days I did go to the movies and that was great!
Good luck on your journey!
PS I lost 12 lbs my first week!

what have you been doing since you arrived home from the hospital?
I played video games!!! Now I'm back at work...
Are you bored? Resting? Twiltin' your thumbs?
After a while, yeah I got a little bored. Made sure to rest plenty. No twiddlin' though.
Finding a comfortable spot to sleep in?
I'm still working on that. The chair kept me from rolling on my sides, but that made my back hurt. I'm still not as comfortable as I was pre-op. It'll happen though...
Walking...in the house or outside?
Both! It's so hot, and the 1st few days I couldn't walk very far, so I would do laps around the house, started with 2, then 3...4...5..., then walked in the mall, or outside at night.
Concentrating on your intake amounts, h2o and protein?
YES!! I have a copy of the food journal that my hubby made, it's an Excel file, if you want a copy, email me. You gotta keep track of what your intake is!!

what have you been doing since you arrived home from the hospital?
I played video games!!! Now I'm back at work...
Are you bored? Resting? Twiltin' your thumbs?
Gawd, yes. I'm bored out of my mind.
Finding a comfortable spot to sleep in?
It didn't take me long to get used to my bed again, but my back and neck are a little sore from ONLY sleeping on my back.
Walking...in the house or outside?
I try to get out once a day, tends to be shopping.
Concentrating on your intake amounts, h2o and protein?
Getting in the protein is a million times more difficult than getting in water/liquids, becacuse you can use jello, sf popsicles, etc. to count as h2o, but the only proteins I'm able to utilize are supplements and dairy. But, I'm deciding on my own to add a spoonful of peanut butter to protein shakes.