My date's comin up real soon.
Hi everybody!
It's so good to be home.
My hsptl stay was, believe it or not, delightfully pleasant.
My RNY procedure was successful even tho it took 2.5 extra hrs. to complete due to mega adhesions and scar tissue that I have from 2 other belly surgerys that I'd had in the past.
(Gallbladder 23 1/2 yrs ago & Colon resection 5 1/2 yrs ago.)
B/4 I "went under" Dr. Kothari asked me if I wanted him to just close IF he was not able to get things done via lap, due to the adhesions/scar tissue or if I wanted him to "do me open."
I told him that I'd come this far that "open" would be fine-n-dandy.
He said my tummy was a mess but he was able to get it done.
I found out later that after he'd looked @ my belly ultrasound that he decided to do only me that day.
I wonder if that's gonna cost me more since I had my own special day w/ him?
Hee, hee.
Anyhooch, I am now an official looser and am proud of it.
Still having lots of gas pains but I'll survive.
My blood-sugars are now normal and my Diabetes Doc took me off of 1 of my tid (3 times a day) diabetes meds.
Have a supa groovy wkend u'll.