Hey All You July BABIES!!!
Hey Everyone,
Just wanted to say Hello and wish everyone here a Healthy & Uneventful Surgery. I'm at the top of the board with a July 3rd surgery date. It's coming really fast and I guess it's like riding a roller coaster..........Once you get to the top of the hill........you just gotta hold on and ride it out. I feel these next two weeks will be like the clicks up the track to the top of the hill. Once there-July 3rd, I will just have to ride it down, hope for the best and know I've made the right decision for my life.
Make sure you bookmark this page so you can get back here once they post the August 2006 surgery board. I don't want to lose track of you all. We are in this thing together. So let's make a vow to post here just as often as we do to our regular board.
My prayers and thoughts are with each and everyone of you. I look forward to seeing you all on the losing side of town.
Lots of Love
Kathy-14 days & counting

Hey Gloria,
Yes it's coming faster and faster as time gets closer. Thank you so much for the prayers and well wishes. I will keep you in my prayers too. We all have to support each other to get through this difficult time that we have so wanted for so long. Hang tight and we all will be losers before long.
Lots of Love
Kathy-12 days & counting

I feel like my day July 20th is taking forever, its a month now before I have surgery and I hope it goes by fast, I want to be on the loosing side right now but I have to wait, anyway nexy wed I go for the pre testing at 7am, which is way to early cuz I work the 3-11pm shift but it means its getting closer, on Jul 3rd I have a dr's appt to get medical clearance and then the 18th the type and screen then 2 days later I have it I am so excited I hope I bring everything I need with me for the 2nights and 3 day stay, well I will keep everyone posted after and before, I do go to VA in Aug and I can't wait either
good luck to all the losers and have a good night
Hey Becky,
Believe me when I tell you that the closer the times gets the faster it goes. I can't believe I am less than two weeks til surgery date. I still have so much to do. I went last Wed. July 14th for all my pre-registration, pre-op testing, and all my classes. It was a long day but I made it through. Tomorrow, July 22nd I go to see my surgeon and then it's all over but the surgery itself. I am making a list of things I need to do and things I need to get before surgery.
I know this is a very difficult time for all of us but we have waited so long for this day to come and just think, it's almost here. We can be BIG LOSERS and take that oneway train to Skinnyville. I am so looking forward to regaining my life and my vitality.
Lots of Love
Kathy-12 days & counting