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Topic: RE: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!
Thank you all for your support. Im going to the doctor today, so I'll keep you all posted. Thank you again!!!!
Topic: RE: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!
Tiffany honey you don't need to hit the Mega Million to take care of Baby. You'll need Love and support from family and I know you have both of those. Honey, nothing happens in this world that's not supposed to ~ I firmly beleive that. You are meant to have a child now and you will. A happy, healthy baby who will be bring new joy to your life I'm sure. Make your plans, write things down as you go, it will all work itself out you'll see.
For many reasons I put off having a child many times. Too many times. Honey you are blessed by this, you truly are. Be a good Mother Tif.. and MEGA CONGRATULATIONS!!!
peace lil one..
Topic: RE: A collective good thought
Thanks for the positve energy Pammie Girl!! Great to hear from you! Still Sculpting?
Peace to you..
Topic: RE: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!
Congrats, Tiffany ~ I think if most people waited for the "right (or perfect)" time to have children no one would because there's always something that could be better. My husband and I had our children very, very young (my first at just barely 17 and the second at 21) so I definitely understand the struggling part (my husband is active duty military and we were making peanuts). We used the WIC program to help with formula, etc for the first year or so. I'm sure everything will work itself out!
Topic: RE: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!
Thanks Pam
I'll keep ya posted after I go to the doctor and get the confirmation. Im calling first thing tomorrow. I need to know NOW!!
Topic: RE: I Went Skiing, I fell and I Got UP!
I will admit, since it was my first time skiing in at least 15 years, I took a refresher lesson. It certainly boosted my confidence.
Topic: RE: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!
Is it a shock, isn't it?
Your mom is right. It will work out. Mostly it is your (and your honey's) attitude that makes it the right or wrong time. And since you want to make it work, it is the right time.
Congratulations! It is very cool. Thinking good thought for you.
p.s. and your message made perfect sense to me
Topic: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!
My life is already in a whirlwind with my wedding coming up in 5 weeks, plus i am taking a class at college for work, and my job is hectic. Sooo, i come down with a cold this weekend, and have just been feeling really weathered down lately. Plus, i miss my period, which for me is quite normal, since ive never been regular. So just to ease my mind, i go to target today and get a pregnancy test...and yes, you guess it, its positive!!!! I swear, i nearly fell over. Im totally nervous now...its not that we didnt want to have a child, because we do, but it is the timing thats so horrible. We really really really scrape to make ends meet every month. My fiance is going to school full time to be a geologist, and the job he does is great because its so flexible with his shcool, but the money isnt the best, ....but now,whats going to happen!?!?!
Please pray for us to hit the mega millions!
My mom is happy. She thinks everything will work out.... I mean, when I think about it, i guess it would never be the perfect time, but i really wish this was like 2 years down the road. Our house is so small too....Ugh....and to think, i had an appointment with a fertility specialist to get my system in gear for when we were ready (since my cycle is so irregular)...go figure!! I figure im only maybe 4 weeks, at the most. I havent told anyone except for my mother, and of course, you guys. I dont want to say anything until i go to the doctor.
Oh, and get this....I work for an attorney, who is a solo practitioner, so its really only her, myself and one part timer in the office. And guess what...she just found out she is 7 weeks pregnant!! Lord..she's gonna pass out when I tell her!
Anyhow, please think good thoughts for me....there's so much going through my mind right now. I know i rambled on and made no sense...but i was typing as i was thinking.
Topic: RE: I Went Skiing, I fell and I Got UP!
That's awesome Pam! Lookin' good!
I used to ski quite a bit when I was in my 20's and I'd love to do it again. Even though it's probably too late this winter. (around here anyway) Wish I still had my old bibs, they'd probably fit again.
It surely is grand!
Topic: RE: I Went Skiing, I fell and I Got UP!
One of my 31 goals for 2007 is to learn to ski - you gave me a WHOLE lotta courage!