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on 7/10/09 12:16 am
Topic: RE: 4 year anniversary

Hey anyone lol... I was 4 years out on the 5th. of July. I am still anorexic and bulimic. I weigh 100 lbs. Not in the best health. I have full blown anorexia. I have all the **** that comes with it. My finger nails keep falling off. My hair is so thin. I don't have any feeling on my skin. It comes in good when I get a tattoo. I have 11 tattoos. Hope to see 5 years out. Be good or be good at it.



Tim C.
on 7/6/09 9:30 am - Roseville, MI
Topic: 4 year anniversary
Hello everybody. Seems like nobody comes here very much any more, but I thought I'd post in honor of my 4 year anniversary.

I am doing well and hope everybody else is too. I have gained a little weight back. About 20 lbs but am maintaining well.

I am keeping very active. Just went for a 5 mile walk yesterday.

Best news of all.....I have fallen totally in love with a wondeful woman and plan on spending the rest of my life with her. We went to high school together and re-discovered each other on Facebook this spring after not seeing each other for nearly 30 years.

Life is good....check that....Life is GREAT!!!!!

on 7/6/09 4:36 am
Topic: 4 years on July 5th.

still anorexic. Weigh 100 lbs.



on 5/24/09 10:50 pm - Buffalo, NY
Topic: Hello again
Hello everyone from July 2005 surgery dates.  I have not been on the board in a long time.  Hope all is well with everyone. 
on 1/11/09 10:40 pm - Frankfort, KY
Topic: RE: Yes, It's been a while.
Dave Here!

Happy New Year for an even newer you. I hope your throat is now diagnosed and that you're on the road to recovery. I pleased that you moved quickly. One suggestion, if the Dr. suggest all is fine, consider a needle biopsy or, even better, a second opinion. Our local ENT told me not to worry twice over some years. By the time I was diagnosed in Lex., my cancer had progressed to stage 4. That being said, a polyph is a probability.

I'm fine. I think we're about to finally pull my feeding tube. I'm at 191 pounds and holding.

Keep us informed.

Sun Smith
on 1/10/09 7:37 am - Seattle, WA
Topic: RE: Happy Thanksgiving
We had a small Thanksgiving.  My sister came by.  We did it up traditionally with turkey and pumpkin pie.  However, it was only a small bite of most of the food, just a taste.  I had a nibble of the mashed potatoes with gravy and skipped the stuffing.

We did most of our celebration for Christmas.  We've moved into a new house (for use) and invited the entire family to join us.  With the 3 siblings, our kids, the siblings kids, and their families we had quite a crowd.  There was an abundance of food with turkey and roast beef and ham.  We enjoyed seeing the entire crowd, Christmas is the one time of year everybody gets together.

Enjoy your 2009!


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my first welding piece

Sun Smith
on 1/10/09 7:30 am - Seattle, WA
Topic: RE: Yes, It's been a while.
Glad you posted how you are doing.

Sorry to read about the problems with your throat.  I hope they've figured out what it is.  Let us know.

Also, post some pictures.  Lets see you at 110 - I'm sure it is an amazing change.  And a tummy tuck and breast lift.  Wow.


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my first welding piece

Sun Smith
on 1/10/09 7:27 am - Seattle, WA
Topic: Thinking About You All - It Has Been Too Long
I've been thinking about you all, and realized I haven't checked in forever.  I thought I'd read up about you all, and let you know what I've been doing.  If any of you are on Facebook, I'm there as me, "Pam Smith-Graham", and would love to keep up with you all.

I've not kept all the weight off, but still happy where I am.  I'm 10 pounds over the "high" I've set for myself, and working to take it back down.  I still fit into "regular" clothes and shop in the misses section.  My fear is if I don't deal with it, I'll slowly put the weight back on.  I still believe that the gastric bypass was the best decision I could have made, and the weight loss has changed my life and my outlook.

My new excercise activity is tap dance.  My sister and I signed up one day a week.  It is fun, though I'm atrocious at it.  I've ordered a DVD from Amazon so I can practice to it between lessons.  I'll need to use the rote and repeat method, I'm definately not a natural dancer.

I'm continuing to work as a consulting project manager, though the contract I'm working on is up in two months.  If they extend me, great.  If they don't, I'll take some time off before finding a new job.

What do I regret?  Only that I didn't use the honeymoon year after the gastric bypass to get a better handle on my food idiocy.  I can't eat sugar on an empty stomach, or very much sugar, but I can tolerate just about everything else.

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my first welding piece

maureen A.
on 12/26/08 9:55 am - Tamarac, FL
Topic: Yes, It's been a while.

hi everyone! I want to wish you all the happiest oh holidays and a good, happy up-coming New Years! .. I'm doing well, down to a slip of a chick about 110. thats a big difference from my former self of 290 lbs. I' pretty small boned so the low weight is okay for me. I had my Tummy Tuck aand Breast lift with silicone implants. 350cc. Had that done 3 monyhs ago. and I'm a pretty new gal now.  my head is still me.. My body is just new and improved.

Been having a little problem with my throat. Seems I have to see a Eye, Ear nose and Throat Doctor. I have develpoed what might be a pollip. sp? . I just have trouble with my speech it seems. Who knows.. Has anyone had any problems with weakness in one side or speech since surgery?. My left hand is weak or slow. Okay.. enough complanin'... other than all that. We had a very nice Christmas/hannuaka/!.. I cooked for about 12 to 15. left overs a plenty. Having my kitchen remolded a little and putting down some new floors through-out my house in about 10 days.. big work ahead for me.. But now that I can climb a ladder or jump up on a cabient like a friggin monkey it's a whole new world. Hey! I'm still finding what I call 'fat dirt' behind nooks and crannies I was never able to reach 3 years ago.. New years eve will be quiet at home with hubby Gary and a few freiends.. making my first Standing Rib Roast. Any suggestions for cooking ?
I wish you all well, And alwyas send my heart to all you July 05' babes. To all my old buds.. Malibu, Dave, Timmy boyo, Deb, xoxoxoxo's... Sending you some sunshine from Florida... Love to you all.
( psst. Got insurance to pay for the whole plastics shhhebang. Tummy, breasts, lift, implants the whole deal. I was very lucky. a little fighing for what is right.. believe in your dreams.......) peeeeace Mo

Love, Peace & Mo'
on 12/9/08 11:40 pm - Davenport, IA
Topic: RE: What do you eat?

Thanks for the reply!  Is that enough protein for you?  I am finding that I am working out and not losing any weight and I am puzzled as to why.  I know the whole gaining muscle thing but after two months I should see the scale move.  Here's mine:

B-fast: Protein shake made with milk and a Yoplait Lite Yogurt  a little later

Snack: Cheese Stick and a few Grapes

Lunch: I also do a small frozen meal at work, usually Lean Cuisine

Snack: Banana

Dinner: Same as you...For example I had baked chicken and steamed cauliflower last night.

I drink about 100 - 120 ounces of water every day. It is very confusing and VERY dissapointing.

Thanks again for the reply!



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