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Topic: RE: See my ad!!!!!
Tim -
You look fantastic, I am so proud of you!
Congrats on the ad, it is a major accomplishment!

Topic: See my ad!!!!!
The hospital put one of my ads in the local newspaper over the weekend. I didn't even know until one of the guys at work showed me a copy. He gave it to me and I scanned it into my computer. It is now in with the pictures on my profile!
Check it out!!

Topic: RE: Cancer and now an ulcer!!
I hope all contiues to go well for you Dave. You are in my thoughts and prayers!
Topic: Cancer and now an ulcer!!
Keep sending those prayers and thoughts: they ARE helping.
It's been an interesting 3 weeks.On Monday, Oct 14, I was admitted to the Markey wing of the UK Hospital with a red cell count of 19 after two episodes that weekend in the UK emergency room after vomiting and pooping large amounts of blood. The chemo and anti-nausea drugs left me with a 4 centimeter pouch ulcer right at the stoma.
After 3 "scopes", my team decided to see if a clot that had formed in the pouch could sustain healing as surgery was life threatening. With 6 units of blood and protonix to aid in healing, I weathered this latest hitch and went home Monday, the 22. We left the hospital and had a great day. At 7:00 PM, I was getting out of a recliner when my feeding tube came completely out so we drove to the UK emergency room. After 7 hours (the computers had been hit by a lightening strike and were down), we drove back with a new tube installed. Turns out, putting a new tube in is actually fairly simple, if all goes right.
I received 5 days of radio last week: 12 more to go!
The ulcer continues to heal!!! I see Dr. Neighbert, my bariatric Dr. after the last radio.
We accepted Dr. Arnold's advice to quit chemo. She indicates that my ulcer was life threatening, the chemo way overachieved, and we can revisit it if the cancer returns later, which is unlikely. She will be monitoring my red counts twice weekly. I'm a pin cushion.
I took several days to "catch up" on my sleep. I'm also sleeping even more as the radio makes me exhausted.
This is most difficult, but also, most rewarding.
Shrinking in more ways than one,
Topic: RE: I miss you all
I don't understand, you sound so happy here and I went and read your updated story and I just don't get it. There can't be a doctor out there that would not help someone in your condition?!? I would be going to the ER and refusing to leave if I was that sick and was honestly ready for help, even your psychologist isn't helping I just don't understand, I would report these people to the Medical board in your state. If you are honestly ready for help there are people out there that are willing and ready, you need to make the call. To think your fat at 105 lbs is not right and I think you know that but sitting there talking about taking your life or just giving up I know you don't want to, your kids are too important to you. Think of your kids and get some help. Check the internet and find someplace where you can go. I don't know what kind of insurance you have but call them and ask them where you can go to get help. Now, before you get mad at me for saying all this, I just want you to get help and I personally don't understand eating disorders (yes I over ate that's why I had the GBP but thinking your fat at 105 I just don't understand). Good luck and I sure hope that you can fine someone to help you soon.
Topic: I miss you all
How is everyone doing these days? How is the weight doing? Anyone had anything exciting going on? What ever happen to nannygoat? What happen to us july peoples? Hope you are all good. I am still fighting for my life. Still anorexic and bulimic and still have ocd and sever depression. Have to take vitamin b12 shots every monday. Have to take 2000 units of vitamin d......Can't see good at all anymore. Sever underweight. Look like a dead woman walking. **** you all.............still l think of you all often.............god bless all....
amy jo
Topic: RE: A star is born?
I am so happy for YOU!! I feel the same as you do about this life saving/changing surgery! I used to want to hide..but you said it right...
From one "Attention *****" to another!!!
Here's to all of us!!!

Topic: RE: A star is born?
That is amazing-- I think it's great-- and you deserve to be an attention *****!!!