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Topic: RE: another happy woman
OH GOOD - so happy about daycare working out for you - I know we talked about it when you were looking or worried about starting a new one. That's a relief!
Topic: RE: 9/11 - where were you on that day and when you heard?
We were stationed in California at the time. My mother-in-law called me and asked if I was watching the news. So i turned it on, and saw the first tower had been hit. I too thought it was a freak accident at first, and then the other plane hit. I was absolutley terrified because even though I was on a military base, we were less than a mile from a nuclear power plant. And now because of that incident my life has totally changed because now my husband has to leave for a year at a time to go fight the war on terror.
Love you guys and God Bless America!!
Topic: RE: 9/11 - where were you on that day and when you heard?
I was at the optometrist when I heard of the first plane. We all thought it was a freak accident. Then when the second plane hit, I was on my way home. I watched the whole thing unravel before my eyes. i bawled all day long.
It was surreal.
Topic: 9/11 - where were you on that day and when you heard?
i was in the hospital. my eldest had gastroenteritis and had been admitted the night before. the nurse came in and said the world trade towers have been bombed - they think by terrorists....
i went through the day in a haze.
the TV was turned on in the hospital room.
i went home and watched and watched and watched - flipping between CNN and the networks - - just completely dumbfounded.
i think i learned a lesson that day - that we THINK we are always safe; that WE live in a safe time and place. that our children are safe and that we, as americans don't need to worry.... that's what changed. i realized that someone out there didn't like us very much and was willing to kill innocent people to prove their point or their ideology.
i realized that there was INDEED a war on terror and that i was going to need to be ever more alert to life.
what about you?
where were you?
what did you think or realize?
Topic: RE: Some encouragement & maybe a swift kick?
Hi there! Take a deep breath and relax. I'm sure you didn't eat that much. What is important is that you immediatly realized what you did was wrong. Congradulations on hitting the 160's. Man, I can remember before surgery I could bounce up and down 10 pounds easilly. You dodn't have much more than that left girl, way to go!!!! I missed you at the last support group meeting. This was the first one that I made it to after my surgery(7/26) I had some complications that put me in the hospital in August for 5 days. I have seen you and your ds in the drs office before. I hope that all is well with your family and that things get a little easier for you. Hope to see you at the next support group meeting.
Topic: RE: Some encouragement & maybe a swift kick?
Hi sweetie.
You don't have to swear off the bad stuff entirely. Try a once a week treat. I learned this from my very slender, very cute neighbor. She indulges in cookie dough once a week. I tried it when I was craving sweets and it seemed to work well for me. I don't crave sweets much at all anymore....don't know why. I dont dump. It just doesn't appeal to me anymore...not that I am without weakness! I have to stay away from the crackers and bread. They haunt me!
Whats that I hear....oh a box of cheez-its is calling my name! Better go!
Topic: Some encouragement & maybe a swift kick?
Hi guys,
It's been so slow lately. I've been trying to think of one of our questionnaires, but my mind is a blank lately. Been going through a lot of stuff with the family & job and my brain isn't up to much fun stuff lately. Sorry guys!
So anyway, I need some help/encouragement/swift kick in the ???
I hit my lowest weight ever last Monday. 168. OMG I've *never* been that low! Holy Smokes! I was so excited. So do you know what I did? Started eating chocolate. WTF??? Why am I sabotaging myself??? I am devastated and need help swearing off candy again. Why do I do these things?? Stress I imagine.
Any words of advice? Even the normal protein & water & vits would probably help at this point! Although I do very well on the water & vitamins. Mostly do well on the protein. But the sugar just calls me... Damn... I wish I dumped easier. Hell, at least I can't eat a whole XXXL bag like I used to...
Thanks all!
360/345/171/150 (I really think I could hit 150...)
Topic: another happy woman
yes oh yes- got another one this month- geesh.. a girl could really get her hopes up... all these in a row... without medications.... uhm....
so happy... school is going great... son's new "pre" school/daycare is going GREAT.. everything is going great.... geesh..
Topic: RE: OK's time to weigh in:
Ha ha!
Gotcha by a half a pound Peetie!
Stop losing're approaching "waif" status! I kid! I kid because I love!
You didn't blow anything girl.
We as women have to learn to ask for what we want and expect nothing less. The last LOOSER I was in a 6 month relationship was just like this guy. A woos. Not a real man.
I am 50 years old and finally after this last fiasco have learned that I am not going to settle any longer for less than I deserve. I am NEVER gonna give 110% and he give negative 10%....
I am reading this book now, "He's Just Not That Into You" and it teaches women how to hold out for what they need and want and dump the duds. It says that if a man wants you, and is really interested in us they will move Heaven and Earth to be with us and court and romance us. That is what I am holding out for.
I can guarantee you the sex with this one would have been a waste of time. I just went through 6 months of faking O's with my last dud and NEVER AGAIN will I do that just so their feelings won't be hurt.
Hold on, you are not meant to be alone and neither am I. The lucky fellas we need just haven't come around yet. Believe me, all you have done is just kissed another toad on the way to your prince.