now be honest - it's just US!....
What are the things you want to do in life that you STILL have not had the courage or opportunity or cir****tance to do/try? This is a GOOD exercise! It makes you remember your dreams and keeps them alive!
Here are mine and I am being INCREDIBLY PAINFULLY honest! (I'm sure I sound like a hedonist!) :
1.) Getting "off" with a woman! Teehee - No seriously, always wondered if that would be fun!
2.) Singing in a live jazz club
3.) Some dang drug that makes me feel incredifuc****believeable!
4.) Going surfing.
5.) Being FLIRTED with! Weird, huh? I'm sure I musta been before, but I cannot remember it being memorable!
6.) Meeting Bill Gates or Steve Jobs
7.) Hearing Deal or No Deal and saying No Deal and having a cool mill in the case
8.) Going to ANtartica
9.) Going to Fiji
10.) Having an AMAZING relationship with anyone that made me feel like romance is NOT over, dead and overrated!
11.) Being 5 points more than miss malibu on the mensa test.
Realize some of your dreams in Vegas, baby!
For me:
Continue feeling like I'm thirty.
Enjoying Costa Rica.
Having a cigar with Bill Clinton.
Traveling first class to Australia annually.
Just traveling.
Sinning with y'all.
Enjoying Grandkids.
Telling the pope, Fallwell, and the religious right to french kiss my skinny ass!
Sucking Margy's toes when I'm 85.
Sucking your toes when I'm 86.