Catching any...........
It's 4 A.M.
I have not yet been to bed.
Hmmmm.......Maybe the Starbucks at 10 P.M. wasn't the BEST idea.
This is becoming a regular occurance though. I am having a really hard time sleeping. It doesn't seem to adversly affect me throughout the rest of the day though.
I don't get tired and I'm wired all of the time.
On the bright side.......I get lots of work done in the wee hours of the morning which frees up my days for fun girly stuff.
Anyone else getting less sleep than pre-op?
On the flip side.........My husband "Ok'd" me to have all the plastics I wanted as long as he got to pick the size of my boobs! ****o) I guess we both win!!
I here ya on the sleep thing...(and a agree with your husband). I've been up since 5:30 am here. Didn't go to bed until after 12:30. It seems lately I don't get more than 4-5 hours of sleep a night. I'm ok most of the day until evening hits and then I'm dead tired but if I go to bed early I just wake up earlier. Oh well.....I up early enough that I can start planning my horse bets for today (kentucky derby)...I'm going to a racetrack here in MN for the day to gamble. Probably shouldn't with the mind state I've been in lately but it will be a good diversion.
Have a good one!
btw...I think we should get some input on their size also
You are so generous. Are you starting a 'C Boob Fund'? You can set up an account at the local bank and we could make donations and say the size.
How to choose among the sizes? Raffle drawing, pick a size from the box. Or be more "democratic" and get the size the biggest donator wants. Or is that "republican" and the demo's say one man (woman?) one vote?