Before and After pics!
Hello my fellow Juler's
I just wanted to share that my pictures are up on the before and after photo's. I was soooooo excited to see how different I look. Its so funny how the mind works.Sometimes I still see that heavy person, then sometimes I see a little person looking straight at me? Guys I am so happy and so lucky that I got another chance too live life two it fullest.
I love my O.H. family
Total lost 105lbs
Bweight-290 lbs
Todays weight-185 lbs
Goal weight 150 lbs
35 more lbs to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're a beautiful girl Cecelia!
You really look great!
You've had amazing success in this crazy journey!
I still battle the mind demons too. They whisper in my ear that I'm a "fatty", and half the time......I believe them! I wish I knew when THAT battle would be over. I'm ready to feel good about myself all of the time instead of just part of the time!