Wanna get in my pants?
Boys~This might be the only way to get into my pants! Ha!!!
I have a variety of clothing sizes still hanging in my closet that I'd love to get rid of. I have everything from a 26 down to a 16 that I could send to those of you who are still floating in those sizes. They are all in current styles and in good shape. Some I only wore a few times!! I have some tops from Lane Bryant that they still sell in the stores! They are that new. I just can't wear them anymore. Please let me know if you are in need of them.
Anyone else have clothes to pass on? I think this might be a good way to clean out our closets and help each other out too.
I'll wash (or dry clean), pack and ship them out. You pay the postage. Deal?
Malibu Channan
I'll check to see what I have left in those sizes. I have a friend that came over and all but cleaned me out of those sizes, but I'm pretty sure that I have some left.
If you don't hear from me in a couple of days, email me a reminder. I have a very busy week and I'm afraid I'll forget without a little nudge.