Over or Under?
The other day my husband happened to place the new roll of toilet paper in the holder ( which maybe he has only happened to do maybe a handful of times in 21 years of marriage) but anyway he put I in with the toilet paper headed back towards the wall. Now he know because I have told him before that the paper should be headed away from the wall beacause it is easier to pull out. So I took the toilet paper out and switched it around thinking that would be the end of it. Really I thought he would never notice. But long and behold that little sh## told the toilet paper out again and put it back the wrong way. (as a joke). Please tell him he is screwed up, that the right way is the paper coming towards you. Even Oprah said this and one of her shows. Tim I hope you are with us on this one. Remember this is a board of mostly women. So waht is it over or under ladies and Mr. Studmuffin. Have a great weekend!