Arg.....Vegas results are in..sorta
Ok the results for Vegas are less than clear. So I need some help or permission to just make a decision. Here are the results. 12 people took the survey and:
Which date would you prefer
July 28-29 (fri-sat)
50% 6
July 23-24 (sun-mon)
50% 6
Which hotel would you like to stay at?
Excalibur 80-141
16.7% 2
Flamingo 90-175
25% 3
Paris Las Vegas 129-199
58.3% 7
Which show would you like to see together as a group?
Blue Man Group
50% 6
Haunted Vegas Tour and Show
50% 6
The hotel seems pretty clear. The show is solvable We can offer both and just let people sign up for what they want.
The problem is the date. My opinion is to do the Sun/Mon date because of the cost savings. The money saved would pay for a large chunk of each persons show tickets. Just my opinion. So the big question is what date should we do?????? Arggggg....Help!
OK...just what in the hell is a "mugwump"?????????????????????????
I in the heart of the south, and I've heard alot of strange words (lord knows we've got some humdingers down here).... but I've NEVER heard that one!
Maybe I could use it in a sentence and get something started?
Or am I just blonde?