Not only do you look not one day over 30, but im sure you feel not a day over 20! There's no better birthday gift than the gift you've given yourself with WLS....the gift of Health!!
Happy Birthday! Have an extra glass of wine for me
Happy birthday Sassy-Pants!!!
I love what you wrote because I can just insert my own specifics and we have the same story!!
You are a dear friend to all on this board (me especially).
I love your wit and humor. Not to mention that you are one fine lookin' woman!!
Hope it's a great one!
You look fantastic, you are fantastic and I appriciate you! Happy birthday to the new you! Happy birthday to the fantastic you!!!!!! I know it is late......................But have a great day!
(also a March baby!!_
HHAPPPYY BIRTHDAY!!! What a great celebration another year older and healthier... wooohooo to a fellow pisces... I am celebrating on March 14th the dreaded 45 still single and searching...
Happpy day to you enjoy!