Sunday Weekly Weigh In
From what i've read, 1 cup of food is normal for someone whose had surgery. Ive read that when all is said and done, people who have had surgery should consume between 1 to 1 1/2 cups of food and still be able to maintain their weight loss. I think you'd be right on track by eating 1 cup of food. When I think about it, thats probably around about of how much I eat. My brain still thinks i'll be able to eat more than I will though.
Your doing great! Keep it up!
Had a long week this week. Glad it's the weekend! And it's a long one, too. I love Sundays when I don't have to work Monday.
Here are my stats for the week:
Highest weight - 360
Surgery weight - 345
Today's weight - 190
Total lost - 170 (Holy crap, I've lost more weight than my goal weight!!)
Goal weight - 160
Good luck to us all! I hope we all had a successful week.