I finally have a picture !
Yeah!!!!!!! At long last I have a picture. This was taken five months after my surgery. I had a great wow moment today. I was walking down the hall at school and the speech pathologist came walking by with the counselor. The pathologist was visiting from another campus. I hadn't seen her since this school year started. She stopped me and gave me several great compliments. She said I would have to be sure to get a new ID badge made or security would be putting me off campus as a stranger! I just love everyone's reactions when they see you after a long time. I need to lose four more pounds and I will have reached the Century Club.. I can hardly wait.
Hi Sara. How is everything going for you? Sometimes I get discouraged and think it is going kind of slow. Then I realize that I have lost 96 pounds in almost 7 months and I get very happy. I know that without the surgery I probably would have gained about half that much and be miserable as any thing. Now I am twice as active and love the compliments every one gives us. I really haven't got sick at all and can eat nearly what ever I like as long as it isn't too sweet. I could probably eat that also but I am afraid that if I didn't get sick off it I might just keep eating it. I sneak just a nibble every so often.
Thanks everyone for your kind words. I only have two more pounds to the Century Club now unless my four adopted kids ages 7,8,9 , an*****n't drive me into emotional eating today. The nine year old is almost ten and her sister is eleven and I guess all the wonderful little raging hormones that go with puberty must be raring their sweet little heads. They have been totally nerve racking all weekend. I don' remember this with the three children we already raised to adulthood. "The Lord was supposed to come back before we reached this frustrating stage!!!" (At least that was what I was hoping.) One minute they all love each other and the next moment they hate everyone and everything. I gain several more new gray hairs every day with the frustration,,,but then I lose them with my wls ...Ain't life grand!!!!! Oh well, this too shall pass........one of my favorite parts of the Scripture.