Kiss and Tell
C Leigh,
It is your own personal choice to make about wether or not you say anything about your WLS to anyone. For some it is a private journey for others they are an open book. For me I am somewhere in the middle. I have people come up to me and sya that I look great or what are in a size 7? (I WISH!!!!) ANd I will just thank them and go on my merry way. If they ask me and I think they are being sincere and not catty I will tell them that I had surgery, but will also tell how much of a hard and personal decision it was to do. I do not want people....especially the larger people ....I talk to, to think that it is the easy way out. I tell them all the bad with all the good. If they decide it is for them it is on their terms and not mine. Generally I leave it at I had Weight Loss Surgery, and then just say closer friends and people I talk to regularly will ask how much I have lost, but it is not the norm for people to do that. With all that being said. Go with your gut and share what you want to share.
Hey Channon~
I am with ya! In the beginning I only told my mom (and of course my husband!!) I didn't tell my dad or my sister, and I in fact still haven't! My mom bless her heart has kept my secret safe and I know she always will. I too feel it is a very personal decision. I think part of my issue about telling people is that I was ashamed of the shape I had allowed myself to get in. I didn't want people to know that I felt like a failure and couldn't do it on my own. My dad asks all the time how I am doing it and I tell him I eat small portions, all protein no carbs and I work out on my treadmill like mad. All lies I just left out a portion of the story. I have struggled with this for a very long time. I work in an office full of women who for the most part have been supportive, and I had to tell them, they pretty much would have figured it out anyway, I was off work for a week (I NEVER call in sick, so they knew something was up) and then all the changes so I choose to pull them all together and tell everyone at once. I do regret some of them knowing as I know they have told others in the organization that I work for which really upsets me but the others have all been rock solid for me.
I like what you said about telling people about the dress size rather than pounds........I knew people were doing exactly what you said too!! The funny ones are the men where I work. I am still shocked when they stop and say "Wow, you have lost a lot of weight!" I just never expect a man that really hardly knows me to say that! When they ask how much I just shake my finger at them and say............a gentleman never asks a lady about her weight!
Anyway Channon, long story short, I just wanted to say I stand strongly beside you in this one!!!!
Oh Grace~
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for saying that. I was feeling like a real nob for not letting the whole story out. And I'm glad that you understand the "mental math" issue that I have.
I also told a lady that I "sort of " work with, who in turn spread the word to others I didn't want to know. I trusted her not to tell, but she did. Part of my decision to keep quiet was that I also felt like a failure. I have been successful at everything I have put my hand to except my weight!!! There...there it it!!! My one big fat failure that got so bad that I need medical intervention.
Thanks babe! I'll sleep better tonight! Woot Woot!!!
C Leigh