For the visually impaired...
I just thought I would share this with those of you who wear glasses. Because of my weight loss I decided it was also time to get new glasses since the old one's are too loose on my head now.
In talking with my eye care person a couple of weeks ago we talked about a new option to laser surgery. It is called CRT, I think it stands for Corrective Refractive Therapy. Basically I wear these hard contacts at night while I sleep, then when I wake up in the morning I take them out and see 20/20 the rest of the day without the help of glasses or anything. The risks are minimal. I've thought about doing laser surgery but everytime I've come close to the decision I hear another horror story. Basically with this the main risk is if you don't clean the contacts as you are supposed to you could get an infection. The only other risk is financial, if it dosn't work for you than you are out the money for the hard contacts. Cost for me (depends on the correction you need, I was in the middle level) was $850 including everything lenses, tests, followup and I paid for it with flex dollars. Just thought I would share this with all of you. Here is a website with more info
Have a good day!
I got contacts for the first time a few months ago. It was really hell getting them in and out, but I was determined. Now it's a breeze.
These "contacts" sound great.... but I believe they will only help those who are nearsighted, am I right? Because Lasik surgery doesn't help those of us who are farsighted, so I've been told. I HATE my glasses with a passion.