so flippen happy- MY STALL/PLAH-TOH
IS OVER... my goodness..
so i rest my back for one day.. didn't eat much at all yesterday at all- didn't drink as much as i have (my kidney stone passed- FINALLY) so i only drank probably 4-5 cups instead of the 10 i was doing- floating away.. woke up this morning- stepped on my home scale and i dropped 5 pounds.. FIVE POUNDS!!! i haven't lost a flippen pound since thanksgiving... OH YEAH... what a nice treat.... yipeee.....
the weird thing though- I REALLY want to go walking now- to keep the weight COMING OFF... it's sunny out- (COLD) but nice... and my treadmill- is 2 feet away from me now... and i really want to step on it and go go go.. but i can't

it staying off so far today- so worried by night time- i would be heavier- my husband wants to throw the darn thing away-... but i can't help weighing myself so much...
ugh- i really want to move- but my mom bought me a dvd- of pilates? and a yoga and a gym ball thing (with dvd) - so 3 dvd things i could try- of course i haven't gotten them in the darn player yet- when everyone goes to bed