Eating and Drinking
How many of you actually dont drink w/ your meals. Many mornings I eat half of a whole wheat english muffin w/ peanut butter.... How can you NOT drink something w/ this ? THere is no way I could wait to drink and hour and half after I eat.... Am I not going to be successful in the long run ? Or were they just talking about early post op ?????
Puzzled & Thristy :P
majority of the time i don't drink...
but there are times were i would sip to moisten the food more- or get rid of the taste..etc.. and nothing really happened... i just try really hard not to make a habit of it... don't have a glass near me at all... but it is hard to wait 30 minutes before and after (my dr's way)...
Hi Lisa, Do you know the reason that drinking can affect your weight loss? It's because you wash the food right out of the pouch and then you are empty again and hunger creeps up on you. another reason is that there is just not that much room in the stomach pouch now and the drink will fill you up and very often push the food right out.. and that means..
nasty but true.. I know I have had that problem a lot... I know you are struggling with the pounds so I thought this might help you.. Have you found out if your Doctor has a website you can visit since you live so far from their office? thinking of you..

If I drink during a meal, it's literally just a teeny tiny sip. I try to wait the 30 minutes, but sometimes I don't make it. I have always had a drink in my hand, so that has been the hardest rule for me. But I know if I drink too soon because I get sick as a dog.
I was reading the pouch rules the other day and saw the 1 hour and 1/2. I about freaked. I'd never get in all my fluids.
What's a girl to do? I think 30 minutes is enough already!!