OK. I know a few of you out there use the elliptical. I just bought one today and could only do 4 minutes! I swear I thought I was gonna pass out. I was wondering how long you could do when you first started? Also, I remember someone asking about what activity they used in place of the elliptical on fitday.com but i cant remember what it was. Does anyone remember that post?

Hi Tiffany,
I use ---Ski Machine, general---at fitday.
I just started the gym in the last two weeks and at first I only did like 5 minutes...was very winded by the end of the five. The next time I forced myself to do 10 minutes...I did it, but I slowed down too much sometimes...the screen told me to glide faster. The most recent time I used it, I didn't do my usual 10-15 treadmill walk first, and I could barely make five minutes. I don't think I let my legs warm up enough first. Plus I usually do the nautical system before I do the eliptical. It sure isn't as easy as I thought it would be. It gives good sweat equity!!! It is one of those pains I like!

The elliptical is really hard-- You have to build up to it-- but it is incredibly effective-- burns calories (like jogging) and easier on your knees.
Start with a manual program and do 5 minutes-- Do it before any other exercise... Add a minute or two each time you use it, and don't be afraid to go slow.
Once you get to twenty minutes, you can try a weight loss interval program,or move up your manuarl setting to a higher resistance. Remember, duration is the key.
I tend to do the weight-loss interval program-- It's 28 minutes with a 5 minute cool down. When I first started doing it, I would just get off the eliptical when I was pooped and walked for 5 minutes to cool down. I have been gradually increasing the resistance each week.
On fit day, I use the stairmaster as a proxy.
Good for you on getting one. Keep plugging!
I am glad to see you are excersizing!! The eliptical is very hard.. the first time I got on it I could do 30 minutes.. I been doing that for the last week.. I am very sweaty when I get off the machine. I felt tired after 5 minutes.. but kept going.. just keep going.. I burn around 350-400 calories in 30 minutes..
Good luck!
The elliptical is a real butt kicking machine. Friends of mine went together and got me an elliptical a few months ago. First time I jumped on I jumped right back off in about 1 minute! It was wicked hard. You do have to build up. A friend suggested to try 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off and then back on for 2 minutes. Then work your way up from there.........3 on, 3 off and 3 on, etc. I now do 10 minutes in the morning to jump start my day and that's about all I have time for. Then I do 15-20 minutes in the evening if I don't have my water aerobics class. I also do reps on my ab lounger and try to walk 1-2 miles every night. I wish fitday had the elliptical on there too. I'll try using the other things suggested.
Good luck,
Hi Tiffany
The first time I used an eliptical my thighs gave out and I collapsed after 5 minutes. Now I can do it for over a half hour easily. I could probably go an hour but I like to break my cardio up with 20 min. each on the treadmill, eliptical and exercise bike with no break in-between each one. Let me tell ya I am one sweaty dude after that! Keep at it, you can beat that infernal machine, I did

Hi Tiffany,
Funny you should ask. I just started using the eliptical two weeks ago and I nearly passed out after a minute and a half. I would rest and then do another minute and a half. I found out I was trying to go WAY TOO FAST!!! I slowed down to about 75 steps per minute and am now up to 8 minutes. Just keep it slow until you build up endurance.