Now I want a nap!!!!! My son is driving me insane today....If I hear one more gun noise...UGHHHH....that d**m FURBY needs new batteries...he keeps tooting. My son also found where I hid his Pikachoos...BOTH of now not only do I have one furby going crazy...I have one furby, two pikachoos saying pika pika, and one gun-shooting son....AND a partridge in a pear tree. (The neighbor downstairs music is about to blast...usually starts at 4:30 and last anywhere up to a couple of nap in sight for me!) LOL My husband should be home I will have to make dinner...he has been stuck on hash browns, eggs and bacon...not good for me but I will eat it anway...get sick and want a nap, still have to clean up after dinner, then, still wanting to go to sleep, and will still have to get coffee ready for the morning and get everyone to bed. THen I will need to organize everything before I go to bed...I cannot go to bed at night until everything is in order, and yes a little OCD here everything has to be checked 3 times or I will start all over. I can't even go to bed with one dirty dish in the sink! Drives me nutso!....where is the solitude?? IT is all gone after the age of 25!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can feel old habits riding in...HELP!!!!!!!!!!
I need to go take my eyes contacts are burning.
(Crashing and burning now!)

That sounds so don't even know. But then I would worry about how things are going here...I don't know what is wrong with me. I think I am getting old...........I have not had a job since December 2004 when I quit my job of 13 years....I get bored all day here at home, running errands, and I am home-schooling our son, and taking online classes. I really do not get out much. I wish I had friends that lived closer to me. Then I have to think..I have done this to myself...I have pushed my friends away thgroughout the years by getting bigger and bigger...and not wanting anyone to see me like this...sure they have always known me as the girl in the class that is the heaviest...but I have also always been on a "diet" trying to lose it. Then came the BIG numbers so I have hid from everyone including family. Giving me a reason not to do who in their right mind would want to be around me now anyway? My best friend from high school...I only saw a picture of her daughter who is now at least 4 going on 5...that is bad..I don't even remember when the baby was born. THe picture I saw was the one they had put in the newspaper that her and her husband work at, so that one I saw doesn't really count...I don't have a picture to hold onto.
I feel like such a loser sometimes, then I listen to music and feel better. I am an 80's big hair band fan, and all others....such as Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, James Taylor, Air Supply, Madonna, and currently I have been stuck back into my "Barry Mannilow" days of depression.....I't almost like I enjoy making myself depressed. How strange....I didn't even think about that until I typed it. It is true though...I like feeling sad...WHY...??????

You need to get out of the house. I'm not kidding! When my son was born I stayed home with him for several months and I was so depressed!! I had no money and no car to go do anything, no friends who wanted to hang out with my baby and no life. I was really in the dumpers!! I felt helpless and like the world was passing me by. I finally went back to work which eased the financial pressures and got me out of the house. Please take care of yourself or they'll send you to the booby hatch before you know it!! And for heaven's sake, stop listening to depressing music! You are brave to admit that you listed to Barry Manilow. HA!
C Leigh