6 month anniversary...
Hi all-
Just had my 6 month anniversary yesterday...WOOHOO!!!!Am down 92 lbs since surgery. But am getting worried cuz i seem to be falling back into bad grazing habits again, and seem hungry all the time again. I try to get my protein in, but other foods seem to go down better(like crackers or junk).Still cant keep chicken down after 6 months!!
Am so worried that im going to fail at this too
I did join a gym this week with my daughter(she's 16), cuz i just wasnt exercising at home. I hope paying for the workout will give me incentive to get there an do it.
Would appreciate any suggestions or support!!
PS> Have been at a plateau since before the holidays

From one of the other Pam's
You are doing just awesome.
I have lost a total of 99 lbs but 75 is since surgery. Who would imagine that we could lose like this.
It is fantastic and you are just doing great.
I go to Curves every day and love it.
It is an excercise I can do every day .
Just keep yourself in check and you will do just fine.

Pam Im wit hyou to Im at a 60 pound stop after 6 months I have found that everything i have done has been wrong...I cant eat any meat yet in fact I tried some liver YUCK! that my son made because its so high in protein and then I spent the next half hour throwing up and gagging, maybe some of us its just gonna take longer to be able to eat meat, the crap foods are the only ones that seem to go down, crackers, chex mix soups...I cant even ear raw veggys, but your weight loss is great!!!!! so keep that up good luck to you Lisa M J