Somewhere I never thought I would be!!!!
Finally today after only 5 months and 1 1/2 weeks I have hit the century club!! Officaly at 102 pounds lost according to my weigh in this morning!!!! Thank all of you for your contiuned support and love, it has helped me to get here!
My heart also goes out to call the families in WV as I watch CNN and saw the excitement just afew short hours ago and now the awful pain and sorrow of the horrible news that no one expected! My prayers to any of you that might have family there! I come from a very small community of about 75 people and I understand what a tragedy like this does to a small community! I now live in a town of over 40,000 and this would still be a huge blow to a town of that size. Again, my prayers and thoughts go out to any of you with ties to this horrible tragedy.
Lisa, 56 pounds is a great accomplishment so really is.. this is not a race, and our bodies are each very different, the weight loss process willl also be different for each one of us.. what does your Doctor say about how much you have lost? I went to your profile but there isn't much there.. so I don't really know when for sure you had the surgery or what you are eating.. by updating it a least once a month you can help us help you.. . I have hears of your Surgeon Dr. Woods.. and if you did have the micro pouch I have hears good things about that as well.. i would like to know more thou.. take care.. and be patient. and stick to the rules!