Up for a laugh
Okay had a really wierd experience... I am able to get into some old bra's.
I was so excited... New sweater- new bra off to work.......
Every one was staring at me at least I felt that way.. I gloated and paraded all around shoulders back - BIG OLE SMILE... thought I was hotstuff. Must be the weight loss can see boobs and a waiste line... I was walking like a pea**** all day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WRONG: when I was changing clothes after work the bra felt wierd taking it off...
GOOD GOD-- it was missing one underwire... suddenly remember that 15 years ago that was why it was in the old clothes bag...
I must have been a sight 38 D on one Side and a 38 D "down" on the other.
Know wonder I had glances... OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OOooo Patti man! That is SO something that would happen to me.
Today I was walking around with my no-longer-tight-but-loose red sweater...when I looked down to pick something up and realized there were no buttons on it. No..that isn't quite right..I HAD THE DAMNED THING ON inside out.
Thank heavens I had only gone outside to take the dogs for a walk. If I had gone to a store or a client's house like this or... egads!