Y'all - I'm so sorry I've deserted the boards lately. I just can't get it all together. I feel SO overwhelmed. We have an extra family here, and generally it's great, but I wonder if that is just adding to my stress level. I've been throwing temper tantrums and everything! (very out of character for me) I slept for basically 2 days this week. I just feel like running away at times. This time of year is usually a little harder for me due to some unhappy anniversary dates that tear at my heart, but I really don't think that is what is bothering me. Perhaps it is an underlying thing. I just don't know. I'm thinking this out as I type, trying to figure it all out, but really just wanted to apologize. It almost seems hormonal. I also know that my iron was really really low, but I still feel pretty energetic.
Maybe if I can get back into my normal routine and post more, and be more upbeat, it will filter through the rest of my day.
Is anyone else experiencing a 4 month low?
OMG.... Same here I also feel the same way, some mostly about my eating. there's times I feel that I eat too much! I try too go walking every day to release my stress, Because I really think its that? And I think i'm feeling a little weird about people telling me how nice I look. People that never gave me the time or day. Do you guy's know what I mean? Anyway hope you girls feel better. LOL
Oh, Kimmy - me too. Feeling just kind of down and out of sorts. I'm plateau-ing I even gained a couple and a half pounds this week which really sucked. I think mine is hormonal too - I've had the inkling that I am reaching that"stage" in life - YAY if I get no more periods, but dangit, it's still pretty loopy... I mean, I missed again THIS month!
Yeah, whatever - I figure it's just something I gotta get past - and.. I read all these wonderful posts from all these intelligent, beautiful, absolutely wonderful women I would love to have as my closest friends and yet.... I don't type out anyting myself because I JUST DON'T FEEL LIKE IT!
I'm usually nicer and more attentive. Craparooni.
Maybe I'm having a fat moment.
Well, stick with me kid. Know that there is more than you out there facing the blues and yuo know what? We'll get through it. We are pretty freakin awesome to have come this far - changed habites, lost weight, got energetic and more excited about life. This too will pass, girlfriend.
I wish I lived near you guys!
Love ya, and keep smiling. You are awesome!
P.S. I can't type worth cra p this evening (see?) I just flew in from LA from a 4 day conference and I am BEAT.
I ate like a HOG for 4 days - i didn't have ANY dumping or problems whatsoever. ,,, THIS really worries me!
Ok, back to Curves and water and protein and vitamins and being healthy again tomorrow!
Oh Kim, I'm sorry you're feeling down.
I know I sure have missed your smiling face around here. We seemed to have lost Cheri Bratz and Mandie too....I wonder if they are going through this too?
You know what though? I don't care how wonderful the family is that is staying with you- of COURSE it is going to majorly add to your stress level!!! You didn't sign up to live with another family. I know though that this is a displaced family from hurricane Katrina, right? You are so AWESOME to take them in like you have.... but honey, you and your family have got to come first. Of course you feel like running away!! It's only natural!
I have heard that some peoples hormones get out of whack when they lose weight quickly. Perhaps a trip to your PCP is in order to get that checked? And even maybe taking an antidepressant for a while would help a lot. There is no shame in is a PHYSICAL thing that needs correction like low Thyroid or Diabetes or something. Regardless, don't beat yourself up. When you are depressed, you can't just "snap out of it". You may need a little help.
I definitely think it will help coming around here more often- my gosh, read Nan's post- that will get ya laughing! What a delightful nut!!
I have suffered through depression off and on my whole life....right now, I am not depressed, thankfully. But I know how it feels and it is not pleasant. Please see your doctor Kim!!
Hi to everyone! Kim, you sound like me a couple of years ago. I have found that I have to have some peace and quiet each day just to myself or I go crazy. I don't know the "why's" or the "how come's" but it is just so. I thought I was being selfish to take time out just for me but if I do we all are much happier. Family stress or having an additional family to help take care of or in anyway feel some responsibilty for is really more difficult than one would think. So, yes I think that could be a part of how you are feeling. In addition though I think many of us do have a period of time we have self doubts and maybe even some depression. If you think about it really, how could we not? This is a life changing surgery which also happens to be major surgery! I hope we all feel better soon but if not please speak to your doctor. Take care, joyce
So sorry to hear you have the blues... It sounds like you've been under a lot of stress. I too have been down in the dumps. My PCP told me that she has seen this from a few people who had WLS, so evidently this is relatively normal.. Doesn't make me feel any better now.
We love you
and are thinking about you! Hang in there kiddo!
Yeah, I'm right there with you ... going up and down with my emotions, even started crying last night for no reason at all and I dont even have the added stress that you have!!??
I hope its just our bodies that are now starting to realise what the hell is going on and its trying to adjust, and I think being female is not helping to situation!!
Hang in there, and sending you a hug!
Hi Kimberly,
So sorry you are feeling down. I cannot imagine having another family living with us. It would be so difficult to keep up with everything. Are you cooking meals and taking care of them? I hope that they are helping you to make it easier.
I've been sleeping more lately too. I used to feel like this when my iron was down and I was anemic (before surgery). My numbers were okay last time my blood was taken so hopefully they still are. I don't have the energy at all though and that concerns me.
Your feeling down could be a four month low as you mention. I hope so and that it goes away soon. Keep your chin up and hang in there.
Youre deffintily not alone. Im having the 4 month, living out of the country, stressed out blues.
Im scared out of my mine.
Im scared at the realization that i AM going to have to have PS.
Im scared I will gain everything back.
Im scared that even if I loose all the weight, Ill never love my body.
Im scared that even if I love my body, there are other things that will go unaccomplished...
Im scared that I dont deserve this...
Its all scary... and stressfull