That's IT! I've HAD IT!
Ok - somebody just slap me now. I know you guys have been telling me to get off the scale - but now I want to throw the D*** thing out the window! I woke up yesterday - back up to 180.5. Woke up this morning - back up to 181.5! WTH? NO NO NO! I REFUSE to accept this! I was at 177.5! That's what I weigh! Not the 180's again!
I'm making a pact with myself. I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY going to try to NOT weigh until Sunday mornings for our weigh in. This sucks!
Somebody pass me some cheese to go with my "whine"!
Your scale obsessed friend!
Hello Kimberly...
You are up early too...
I just wanted to say that you are not alone....I am still staying between 375-380...My monthly friend is visiting right now though---(finally), but I have been at this weight for a week and a half now and I feel like it is never going to end.
I have noticed that because the scale is not moving, I feel (head hunger) like I want to eat more. This is probably what I have done all my life, that is why I am so scared...I don't want to screw this up..
I have been looking back on May and June boards to see where these people are at currently, and that makes me feel a little better. I think we are all right on track. I am going to post the links so everyone can see what I mean.
Take care Kimberely...don't let the scale win!!!!!
AKA another scale obsessed freek!
Here I am ....
Ok, you two, I am STUCK, STUCK, STUCK! I went down to 202 on my home scale like on 10/4. WELLLLL, the last few days I have been yo-yo-ing back and forth between 204-206! 202 is GONE!!! And in the WRONG friggin direction! UUURRRGHHHHH!!!!
AND I feel like I could eat a freakin house!
As Michele would say--
Once a week keeps you MUCH saner. I have been trying to do that ever since my first stall post a few weeks back. (Too be honest, I still step on it twice a week, but that is improvement over 4 times a day!)
I know it is hard. Put up a "NOT TILL SUNDAY" on your scale to remind yourself. (That's what I did).
You will see those lovely numbers again!
I know the feeling... TORTURE the scale is TORTURE I tell ya....
Mine does the same TEASE TEASE TEASE,.,, then it moves and I am so nice to it and tell it I love it... Then it starts the same damn thing...
ANd before Aunt Flow visits,,, it really messes with ME... I get mad = frustrated and yell back...............
Now I know - once a week is fine and couple sneak peaks without getting upset is okay too.
WHat does a scale Know anyway...
Kimberly do you see what you started? LOL
Only kidding!! It looks like we all are scale JUNKIES and we really need to start to stick with only weighing ourselves on Sunday!!!
I too am starting to get hungry and i sit and think about it for awhile to see wether it's real hunger or just head hunger. To be honest I've had the worst eating habits these past few years so it's really hard to distinguise the two.